715.01 Definitions.
715.02 License required.
715.03 Application.
715.04 Citizenship required.
715.05 License fee.
715.06 Expiration of license.
715.07 Operating hours.
715.08 Minors prohibited.
715.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R. C. 715.51, 715.61
Gambling - see GEN. OFF. 517.02 et seq.
"Billiards" as used in this chapter means any of the several games played on a table surrounded by an elastic ledge or cushions with balls which are impelled by a cue and includes all forms of the game know as pool. "Billiard room or saloon" means any public place where the game of pool or billiards is permitted to be played.
(Ord. 682-1922. Passed 6-19-22.)
Whoever is granted a billiard room license shall pay an annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per table. However, where the applicant is a society or club not organized for profit, no license fee shall be charged for the use of any table or tables. All moneys received as license fees shall be paid into the General Fund of the City.