In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 713.02 of the Ohio Revised Code, no structure shall be demolished or authorized to be demolished on City owned property, nor shall any real property be purchased or sold by the City, nor shall any street, avenue, parkway, boulevard or alley be relocated, vacated or its use changed, nor shall any ordinance or resolution referring to zoning or other regulations controlling the use or development of lands be passed unless and until Council shall have first submitted the same to the Planning Commission for a report and recommendation.
Any such ordinance shall, after first reading, be referred to the Planning Commission for a recommendation thereon. Such recommendations shall be made to Council within six (6) weeks after such reference, unless Council shall extend the time, and if it is not made within the time set, Council may proceed without it.
Any provision of any ordinance, resolution or order disapproved by formal action of the Planning Commission shall require the concurrence of five (5) members of Council for adoption or authorization. (Amended March 2, 2004)