The City Planning Commission shall have and exercise all powers conferred upon city planning commissions by general law and such other duties assigned by this Charter and shall:
   1.   Report to the Chief Executive Officer and Council, annually, on or before the first day of June, on the needs of the City for physical improvements;
   2.   Advise the Chief Executive Officer and Council on needed changes in the master plan, the subdivisions platting ordinance, the official City zoning map, and the zoning ordinance and the capital improvement program.
   The Commission shall adopt rules and by-laws governing the transaction of its business and the exercise of its power, such as shall not be in conflict with any of the ordinances of the City. It shall elect a chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary. The secretary may or may not be a member of the Commission. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public and the Commission shall keep a journal of its proceedings. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of a majority of the members shall be necessary to determine any question or matter before the Commission. (Amended November 4, 2008)