Every building shall be enclosed on all sides with its own walls or party walls, except where such walls are not required by this Building and Housing Code for fire-protection purposes. This section does not preclude the omission of the exterior walls for part of a story when the use or occupancy of the building makes such omission necessary or desirable, provided the unenclosed part is separated from the rest of that story and from the stories above and below by walls and floors having fire-resistance ratings consistent with those required for other parts of the building, nor does this section preclude the use of windows, show windows and other openings in the exterior walls, as far as the use or occupancy of the building makes them necessary and desirable, provided they are constructed and protected as required by this Building and Housing Code, nor does this section preclude an open parking garage constructed and protected as specified in Section 1488.03 and 1488.04 of the Building and Housing Code and the applicable provisions of the Ohio Building Code.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)