The application for preliminary plat shall include information which establishes the intended design, arrangement and general dimensions of streets, lots and other planned features, general plan of grading, and the general locations and layout of utility and storm water systems. An application for a major subdivision preliminary plat shall include the following:
(a) Application Form. An application form, as provided by the Director of Planning, completed by the subdivider with all required information.
(b) Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivision. The preliminary plat shall include the following information:
(1) Identification and location information.
A. Subdivision title, north arrow, scale, date of survey, date of drawing;
B. Names and addresses of subdivider, owner of the property, registered surveyor, and preparer of the plat.
C. Location map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to surrounding areas, roads, utilities, and facilities.
D. Acreage of subdivision; outline and approximate boundary dimensions of subdivision;
E. A vicinity map, at a scale of 1"=3000' or greater, showing subdivision name, city, tract, and original lot or section number, north arrow, existing and proposed streets, and nearby public schools and public parks which will serve the occupants of the subdivision.
(2) Existing conditions information.
A. Ground elevations at intervals as required by the Engineering Construction Standards; benchmarks.
B. Subsurface conditions on the tract: any conditions that are not typical such as abandoned mines, gas wells, underground storage tanks, etc.
C. Other conditions on the tract: watercourses, marshes, buildings. A delineation of federally-designated wetlands and floodplains, and of the wetland and riparian setbacks required by the Zoning Code, prepared by a qualified delineator.
D. Other conditions on adjacent land: the approximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; the character and location of buildings, railroads, power lines, towers and other nearby nonresidential land uses; and owners of adjacent unplatted land. For adjacent platted land, subdivision plat by name, date recorded and number, typical lot size and dwelling type.
E. Zoning: districts on and adjacent to the tract.
F. Roads on and adjacent to the tract: the name and right-of-way width and location; type, width, and elevation of surfacing; legally established center line elevations; walks, curb, gutters, culverts, etc.
G. Easements: location, width, purpose and restrictions.
H. Utilities on and adjacent to the tract: location and size of sanitary and storm sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas mains, fire hydrants, valves and manholes, electric and telephone poles and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to and size of the nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers.
I. Locations and dimensions of public properties and facilities within 200 feet of the subdivision. Proposed public improvements: roads or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract.
J. Title and certificates: the present tract designation according to official records in the office of the recorder; the title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, with the names and addresses of owners. Current deed information for all properties contained within the boundary lines of the proposed subdivision.
K. All oil and/or gas wells on the property being subdivided or within 300 feet of the property being subdivided and including indication of distances of oil and/or gas wells from existing or proposed property lines, existing or proposed roads and existing or proposed habitable buildings.
L. If on-site wastewater disposal systems are proposed, soil types and a general evaluation of the suitability of the soils and lot areas for the installation of on-site systems in accordance with health department requirements.
M. If on-site water wells are proposed, any areas where groundwater yields are less than three gallons per minute.
(3) Proposals.
A. Roads: names; rights of way and roadway widths; approximate grades and gradients; typical road cross section.
B. Other rights-of-way or easements proposed: location, width and purpose.
C. Locations of proposed utilities.
D. General layout of storm water facilities, proposed ponds, lakes, detention/retention facilities.
E. Proposed grading pattern.
F. Sites, if any, for any proposed use or structure other than single-family dwellings.
G. Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds or other public uses or money to be donated in lieu thereof and areas reserved for common use of property owners.
H. Minimum building setback lines conforming to the provisions of the Zoning Code.
I. Site data, including total acreage, the number of residential lots, approximate size of each lot, proposed lot lines and dimensions, lot numbers, acres in parks, etc.
J. An outline of any protective covenants proposed.
K. The Planning Commission may require additional preliminary drawings necessary to evaluate the proposed subdivision for compliance with these Regulations and compatibility with local plans and conditions, including but not limited to the potential layout of drainage, sewers, water lines and road system on adjacent land.
L. If the subdivider intends to submit final plat applications for platting of the subdivision in phases, a written statement describing the intended phases and indicating the areas of the phases.
M. Drawing for balance of subdivided lot(s). When a proposed major subdivision will result in an unsubdivided remainder area of the original lot(s), the subdivider shall submit a sketch plat which demonstrates the intended or potential future use of the remainder area in conformance with the applicable regulations of the City. The intent of this requirement is to ensure that any unsubdivided remainder has the potential for future use in a manner which complies with the plans and regulations of the City.
N. Trip generation report. For any major subdivision comprising 40 or more lots, a trip generation report as provided in Section 1234.12. If required by the Planning Commission, on advice of the City Engineer, a Traffic Impact Study shall subsequently be provided.
(4) Utility information.
A. Written approval from the providers of water and sanitary sewer service of the design of the water and sanitary sewer improvements proposed to serve the subdivision; or
B. If the subdivision is platted with the intention of developing lots with on-site septic systems, a letter from the local health department indicating the acceptability of each proposed lot for the installation of a septic system.
(5) Fee. Fee as required by ordinance.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)