(a) Purpose. The purpose of the provisions of this chapter is to ensure compatibility between planned land uses and transportation facilities in order to promote safe, efficient and convenient traffic movement throughout the City.
(b) Trip Generation Report. Prior to preparing an estimate of trip generation, the developer may meet with the City Engineer to obtain information about the requirements and other information relating to the required report. The trip generation report shall be submitted to and reviewed by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall determine if, in his or her professional opinion, the estimate is an accurate statement of the trip impact of the proposed use. The City Engineer shall forward the estimate and a report of his or her professional opinion to the Planning Commission. The trip generation report shall be a letter or brief report which contains, at a minimum, the following information:
(1) The name and address of the preparer of the estimates, and a brief statement of the qualifications of the preparer shall be included.
(2) An estimate of the number of average trip ends for the current generator(s) on the site at the peak hour(s) of the generator(s) and the peak hour of the roadway.
(3) An estimate of the number of average trip ends for the proposed generator(s) on the site at the peak hour(s) of the generator(s) and the peak hour of the roadway.
(4) An estimate of the increase (or decrease) in trip ends between the current and proposed developments.
(5) An estimate of the trip ends of any periodic or seasonal activity on the site.
(6) The source(s) of the estimate(s) (e.g., ITE Trip Generation, on-site counts, or other source).
(7) A plan for vehicular access to and from the site which minimizes congestion and safely impacts and promotes efficient movement of vehicles.
(c) Traffic Impact Study. Prior to preparing a traffic impact study, the developer shall meet with the City Engineer to obtain information about the requirements and other information relating to the required study and to determine the acceptable study area, the methods and techniques for analysis, and other elements to be included in the traffic impact study. A traffic impact study shall be reviewed by the City Engineer who shall determine if, in his/her professional opinion, the study is an accurate statement of the trip impact of the proposed use and shall determine if the recommended improvements or other recommended actions are acceptable means for mitigating the traffic impacts of the proposed development. The City Engineer shall forward the traffic impact study and a report of his/her professional opinion to the Planning Commission. The traffic impact study shall be a report which contains, at a minimum, the following information:
(1) Title page, executive summary, table of contents, lists of figures and tables.
(2) Description of the proposed site and traffic study area boundaries, existing and proposed land uses, existing and proposed uses in the vicinity of the site, conditions of existing and proposed roads, access points, and intersections in the vicinity of the site.
(3) Project trip generation and design hour volumes.
(4) Trip distribution.
(5) Trip assignment.
(6) Existing and projected traffic volumes.
(7) Capacity and level of service analysis.
(8) Traffic signals.
(9) Offsite impacts directly related to the proposed development.
(10) Recommendations.
(11) Other information as required by the City Engineer or the Planning Commission.
(d) Signal Warrant Studies. Where creation of an intersection for a site development or subdivision necessitates the installation of a traffic signal, a Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis conforming with the requirements of the ODOT Transportation Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices shall be prepared by the developer.
(e) Traffic Study Standards. Standards and guidelines for the preparation of required studies, for acceptable levels of traffic impact, and for traffic management methods may be established in the Engineering Construction Standards.
(f) Study Preparer/Reviewer Qualifications. An estimate of trip generation may be prepared by any professional with training and experience in site development and traffic engineering. A traffic impact study shall be prepared by a professional with training and experience in traffic engineering and under the supervision of a registered professional engineer who shall sign and seal the study report. Estimates of trip generation and traffic impact studies shall be reviewed by a registered professional engineer employed by or under contract with the City.
(g) Maintaining Level of Service Required.
(1) No major subdivision shall be permitted to cause a change in the Level of Service of any road or intersection located within one-fourth miles of the subdivision to a level below the current Level of Service.
(2) The developer shall be required to pay the costs of any road improvement made necessary by the major subdivision in order to provide access to the project and to maintain the Level of Service of the affected roads or intersections. The developer shall not be required to pay the costs of repairs or upgrades to a road or intersection deemed a normal pre-development City cost for maintenance operations and replacement.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)