EDITOR'S NOTE: The City contracts with the Ohio Edison Company for electric service. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
   Ordinance 2-2001, passed January 22, 2001, adopted the Aggregation Program Plan of Operation and Governance for residents, businesses and other electric consumers located within the corporate limits of the City. A copy of this ordinance and plan may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
   There are no sections in Chapter 1046. This chapter has been established to provide a place for cross references and any future legislation.
   Free use of municipally owned public utilities - see Ohio R.C. 743.27
   Legislative authority may erect or purchase electric works - see Ohio R.C. 743.34
   Electric companies may manufacture and supply both electricity and gas - see Ohio R.C. 4933.02
   Contracts with municipal corporation for light - see Ohio R.C. 4933.04
   Powers of electric light and power companies - see Ohio R.C. 4933.13
   Damaging electric and telephone lines - see GEN. OFF. 642.13
   Electric fences - see GEN. OFF. 660.12; P. & Z. 1296.02(b)(2); B. & H. 1452.37
   Stringing electric and telephone wires - see GEN. OFF. 660.15
   Prosecutions for theft of utilities - see GEN. OFF. 672.06
   Underground utilities - see P. & Z. 1236.16, 1236.18
   National Electrical Code - see B. & H. Ch. Ch. 1406
   Tri-County Minimum Residential Rewire Code - see B. & H. Ch. Ch. 1408