Enterprise Zones
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Under authority of Ohio R.C. 5709.61 through 5709.69, the County, with the consent and agreement of affected municipalities and townships therein, is authorized to designate areas as Enterprise Zones and to execute agreements with certain enterprises for the purpose of establishing, expanding, renovating or occupying facilities, hiring new employees and preserving jobs within said Zones, in exchange for specified local tax incentives granted by the County. Resolution 96-1993, passed November 15, 1993, authorized the County to include a portion of the City in such a Zone. Ordinance 69-1999, passed September 27, 1999, and Ordinance 44-2015, passed August 17, 2015, authorized the County to include the entire corporate limits of the City in such a Zone. Copies of this resolution and this ordinance may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
882.01   Designation of City as zone.
882.02   Tax Incentive Review Council.
882.03   Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council.
   Tax exemptions - see Ohio Const. Art. XII, § 2
   Economic development programs - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 166
   Community improvement corporations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1724
   Development corporations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1726
   Community urban redevelopment corporations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1728
   Enterprise zones - see Ohio R.C. 5709.61 et seq.