Before the issuance of a zoning certificate for construction of any developments, other than single or two-family developments, manufactured home parks and those occurring in a PUD district, a site plan, as defined herein, shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission, or where allowed, by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). In addition to new construction, these requirements apply to the modification of any existing structure where the gross floor area is increased by more than twenty percent.
Owner/Developer shall have the option of using a one step or two step process of submitting a site plan for approval of the Planning Commission, or by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), in cases where the development occurs in areas of the Central Business District defined in Section 1275.13 (Northwood Commons/Enclave Overlay District) and where the proposed land uses are principally permitted. The one-step process of submitting a site plan includes following the submittal process of 1250.12(b). The two step process of submitting a site plan includes following the submittal process of 1250.12(a) and (b).
(a) Preliminary Site Plan; Submittal Requirements. An application, an electronic copy in PDF format scalable to 11" x 17" and two full size (24" x 36") print copies of a preliminary site plan shall be submitted to the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Department, for review fourteen business days before the Planning Commission or ARC meeting, at a scale necessary to illustrate required detail. This preliminary site plan shall contain the following information and must be prepared by a registered professional engineer, architect, landscape architect and/or surveyor. The submitted drawing shall show the following:
(1) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner/developer and the engineer/surveyor.
(2) A location map. (Same orientation as the preliminary site plan.)
(3) A scale on each drawing.
(4) A north arrow on all drawings.
(5) Show existing zoning on site plan drawing. (Project property zoning and adjacent property zoning.)
(6) The dimensions of the property and the dimensions of existing and proposed buildings to be constructed to the nearest foot.
(7) Building removals or other alterations to occur on existing buildings.
(8) The distance to the right-of-way from the existing and/or proposed building to the nearest foot.
(9) The distance to side and rear property lines from the structure to the nearest foot.
(10) The names of adjacent roadways.
(11) Sidewalks and pedestrian connectivity elements. (The location, width [existing and/or proposed] and handicap ramps and access, and trails and pathways, etc.)
(12) Ditches, creeks or other natural features affecting development.
(13) Show proposed location of private and public utilities and label type of utility.
(14) Parking and bike rack locations. (Existing or proposed.) Off-street parking spaces and aisles, with dimensions, to the nearest foot, the number of spaces and handicapped parking spaces.
(15) Drive-thru line-up.
(16) The location of all waste and refuse handling facilities and proposed screening methods.
(17) Off-street loading pavement type.
(18) Development standards which include architectural standards, building and material types and colors, landscaping, signage and signage type, and any other items as required by the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Coordinator shall be submitted.
(b) Final Site Plan; Submittal Requirements. An application, an electronic copy in PDF format scalable to 11" x 17" and two full size (24" x 35") print copies of a final site plan shall be submitted to the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Department, for review, fourteen business days before the Planning Commission or ARC meeting, at a scale necessary to illustrate required detail. This final site plan shall contain the following information and must be prepared by a registered professional engineer, architect, landscape architect and/or surveyor. The submitted drawing shall show the following:
(1) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner/developer and the engineer, architect, or surveyor.
(2) A legal description and a location map. (Same orientation as the final site plan.)
(3) A scale on each drawing.
(4) A north arrow on all drawings.
(5) Show existing zoning on final site plan drawing. (Project property zoning and adjacent property zoning.)
(6) Show adjacent opposite property buildings and driveways on drawings.
(7) The dimensions of the property and the dimensions of existing and proposed buildings to be constructed. Existing topography, including existing ground elevations, shall be at a minimum of 100-foot intervals. Elevations are to be provided to the nearest tenth of a foot. Topography is to extend at least fifty feet beyond the site property lines.
(8) Building removals or other alterations to occur on existing buildings.
(9) The distance to the right-of-way from the existing and/or proposed building.
(10) The distance to side and rear property lines from the structure.
(11) The names of adjacent roadways.
(12) Right-of-way lines and pavement and right-of-way widths from the centerline of the roadway.
(13) Fencing or walls. (The location, height and material [existing and/or proposed].)
(14) Signs. (The location, height and dimensions, signage type and sign material [existing and/or proposed].)
(15) Lighting. (The location, parking and outside building [security].)
(16) Sidewalks and pedestrian connectivity elements. (The location, width [existing and/or proposed] and handicap ramps and access, and trails and pathways, etc.)
(17) Drive approach aprons. (The location, the width at the roadway, the width at the throat and radius returns.)
(18) Ditches, creeks or other natural features affecting development. (Two-foot contours [where appropriate] and a 100-year flood line.)
(19) Storm water drainage (existing and proposed) and the method for detention, with drainage calculations, detention volume, hydraulic calculations, and storm water management plan.
(20) Sanitary and storm sewers (existing and proposed), the waterline, hydrants and storm sewer design calculations.
(21) Wells (existing and/or proposed), if improvements not available. (Also on adjacent property, if applicable.)
(22) On-site sewerage system, if applicable. (Also on adjacent property, if applicable.)
(23) Parking and bike rack locations. (Existing or proposed.) Off-street parking spaces and aisles, with dimensions, the number of spaces, handicapped parking, pavement type, the number of employees at peak shift, if applicable, and the square footage of the building, if applicable.
(24) Drive-thru line-up, if applicable, and the number of vehicles stored in line- up, if applicable.
(25) A landscaping plan. The plan must be approved by the City Engineer and Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Coordinator before issuance of a Zoning Certificate.
(26) The location of all waste and refuse handling facilities and proposed screening methods.
(27) Traffic study and counts, if applicable.
(28) Off-street loading pavement type.
(29) Requirements of City of Northwood Chapter 1456, “Flood Hazards”.
(c) Site Plan Review. Within forty-five days following the formal submission of a preliminary site plan or final site plan containing all of the information described in subsection (a) hereof, the Planning Commission or ARC shall consider such plan at a public meeting and shall approve, disapprove or modify such plan according to the following criteria:
(1) The preliminary site plan or final site plan shall be considered formally submitted when found to be complete by the Planning Commission or ARC;
(2) The preliminary site plan or final site design shall consider all existing local plans for the City, including the Comprehensive Plan;
(3) Development of the site shall attempt to preserve any unique natural features present on the site including significant trees or stands of trees;
(4) The proposed layout shall provide safe and convenient pedestrian and vehicular circulation and linkages;
(5) The preliminary or final site design and general location of proposed structures shall provide compatibility and sensitivity to adjacent properties;
(6) Proposed parking and bike rack areas shall be attractive, safe and convenient; and
(7) Proposed signage shall be located on the property to harmonize with adjacent land uses and shall not cause excessive lighting to be directed to adjacent property or to unnecessarily obstruct views.
(8) A set of site plans shall be reviewed by the City Fire Chief, City Police Chief, and Northwest Water and Sewer District and the review comments shall be considered by the Planning Commission or ARC when approving, disapproving or modifying the site plan.
(d) Site Plan Final Inspection. Responsibilities of the property owner/s are as follows:
(1) Within thirty days of project completion, notification (written or verbal) to the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Department is required to schedule a final inspection of the project.
(2) Upon inspection, the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Department will determine if the project has been completed according to the approved site plan. A written notification will be provided to the property owner as to the results of the final site plan inspection.
A. Any items that are incomplete or non-compliant with the approved site plan shall be fixed within thirty days of written notice.
(3) In conducting any site plan review or final site plan inspection. The City may employ one or more outside consultants or experts of which the property owner or applicant shall have full responsibility to reimburse the City for said services.
(4) Fees and reimbursements. A fee(s) shall be charged to the property owner for any reinspection of the project by the Zoning Inspector or other City official.
A. Reimbursements for outside consultants or experts, including the City Engineer, shall be determined by the amount of time spent by the City Engineer and contractual rates and will be payable directly to the City.
B. The City shall not issue an operating and locating permit until all late fees are paid in full.
(e) Approval Void If Responsibilities Not Met. If the above responsibilities are not met, the site plan approval will be null and void. The property owner may seek re-approval of the site plan through the Planning Commission or ARC provided all costs and inspections have been made in full.
(f) Operating and Locating Permit. All new businesses locating within the city must obtain an operating and locating permit from the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Coordinator, as listed in Section 1244.02
(a)(1). An operating and locating permit must be obtained before the opening of the business or a penalty shall apply as listed in Section 1244.99
. An application therefor shall be made to the Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Coordinator accompanied by the appropriate fee as listed in the General Fee Schedule, Chapter 208
(Ord. 2002-45. Passed 8-22-02; Ord. 2005-43. Passed 10-13-05; Ord. 2018-53. Passed 1-24-19; Ord. 2023-05. Passed 2-9-23.)