1240.02 PURPOSES.
   This Zoning Code is adopted to protect and promote the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, prosperity and welfare within the Municipality. Among other things, the specific purposes of this Zoning Code are as follows:
   (a)   To protect agricultural, residential, commercial and industrial areas against congestion, as far as is possible and appropriate in each area, by regulating the area and height of buildings in relation to the land around them;
   (b)   To protect agricultural areas from premature subdivision so as to preserve their agricultural character and strengthen the economic base of the community;
   (c)   To protect residential areas by limiting the density of population by providing for access of light and air to windows and also for privacy by controlling the spacing and relative height of buildings and other structures and by providing for open space on the same lot with residential development;
   (d)   To provide appropriate space for those services that, when located near residences, increase safety and amenity for the residents and do not create objectionable influences;
   (e)   To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for the transaction of commercial and miscellaneous service activities in beneficial relation to one another;
   (f)   To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for industrial and related activities and thus to strengthen the economic base of the community;
   (g)   To insure that industrial space will be available and to protect residences by separating them from possible industrial activity by, as far as is possible and appropriate, prohibiting the use of industrial space for new residential development;
   (h)   To secure the most appropriate use of land, to promote the beneficial development of all land, to promote stability, to protect the character and established pattern of desirable development in each area, to facilitate adequate but economical provision of public improvements, to conserve the value of buildings and to enhance the value of land, all according to the Comprehensive Plan; and
   (i)   To further the goals and objectives described in the Comprehensive Plan.
   It is hereby declared to be the intent of this Zoning Code that the regulations set forth herein shall be liberally construed to further the purposes set forth in this section.
(Ord. 2002-45. Passed 8-22-02.)