Chap. 1240.   General Provisions, Interpretation and Definitions.
         Chap. 1242.   Amendments.
         Chap. 1244.   Administration, Enforcement and Penalty.
         Chap. 1246.   Board of Zoning Appeals.
         Chap. 1247.   Architectural Review Committee.
         Chap. 1248.   Establishment of Districts and Zoning Map.
         Chap. 1250.   Provisions Applicable to All Districts.
         Chap. 1251.   Renewable Energy.
         Chap. 1252.   Zoning Upon Annexation.
         Chap. 1254.   A-1 Agricultural District.
         Chap. 1256.   R-1 Low-Density Residential District. (Repealed)
         Chap. 1258.   RA Rural Residential District.
         Chap. 1260.   R Suburban Residential District.
         Chap. 1262.   R-OA-1 Older Area Residential District.
         Chap. 1264.   R-OA-2 Older Area Residential District.
         Chap. 1268.   R-4 Multifamily Residential District.
         Chap. 1270.   MHP Manufactured Home Park District.
         Chap. 1272.   NCO Neighborhood Commercial and Office District.
         Chap. 1274.   C Commercial District.
         Chap. 1275.   CBD Central Business District.
         Chap. 1276.   M-1 Light Industrial District.
         Chap. 1278.   M-2 Heavy Industrial District.
         Chap. 1280.   PUD Planned Unit Development Overlay District.
         Chap. 1281.   P Publicly Owned District.
         Chap. 1282.   Supplementary Regulations.
         Chap. 1284.   Abatement of Nuisances.
         Chap. 1286.   Demolition Permits.