(a)   The Building Commissioner, Safety Director or designee is authorized to conduct an inspection of single-family rentals, transient rentals, and multiple dwelling rental units as determined by the Building Commissioner.
   (b)   Nothing herein shall prevent, or be construed as preventing, more frequent inspections upon complaint or upon reasonable suspicion by the Building Commissioner or Safety Director that a violation of the City's Codes exists upon the property.
   (c)   It shall be the duty of the owner or agent, upon consent, to cause the structure be open for inspection at the time arranged and/or noticed, which shall be during regular business hours. If the owner, agent, or occupant/tenant refuses to consent to an inspection of the subject property or if consent is otherwise unobtainable, the Building Commissioner or Safety Director or designee shall not make such inspection without first obtaining a search warrant, based upon probable cause, except in the case of an existing emergency in which case entry may be made at any time and no search warrant is necessary.
(Ord. 16-94. Passed 6-7-16; Ord. 19-13. Passed 3-19-19.)