(a)   Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other for profit or non- profit entity entering into an agreement with the City shall include provisions in solicitations and contractors regarding a development site that require all employers, contractors, and subcontractors to provide a sworn statement as to whether there has been any adverse determination against the employers, contractors, and subcontractors within the preceding five (5) year period for wage theft or payroll fraud.
   (b)   Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other for profit or non- profit entity entering to an agreement shall require that any contractor or subcontractor preforming work or proposing to perform work on development site shall provide a sworn statement whether there has been an adverse determination rendered against that contractor or subcontractor in the preceding five (5) year period for wage theft or payroll fraud.
   (c)   Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other for profit or non- profit entity entering into an agreement shall include provisions in solicitations and contractors regarding the development site that require all contractors, subcontractors, and employer to provide it with an updated sworn statement within 30 days of any adverse determination rendered against the employer for any wage theft or payroll fraud.
   (d)   Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other for profit or non-profit entity, who have entered into an agreement with the City, the term of which is not expired, shall report to the City in a sworn statement any complaint of wage theft or payroll fraud against the person or any of its contractors or subcontractors.
   (e)   All such sworn statements shall be submitted to the City within 30 days of receipt by the person who entered into the agreement.
(Ord. 16-124. Passed 9-20-16.)