1040.01 Definitions.
1040.02 Short title.
1040.03 Intent and purpose.
1040.04 Objectives.
1040.05 Establishment and description of North Royalton Consolidated Sanitary Sewer District.
1040.06 Use of public sewers required.
1040.07 Connections required; septic tanks.
1040.08 Authority for control of wastewater discharges.
1040.09 Service beyond corporate limits.
1040.10 Private and independent wastewater disposal.
1040.11 Transfers from private to public system.
1040.12 Abandonment of septic tanks.
1040.13 Capping abandoned sewers required; reuse of abandoned sewers.
1040.14 Building sewers, connections, applications.
1040.15 Liability to city.
1040.16 Severability.