The height of any main or accessory building in any Local Business District or Motorist Service District shall not exceed thirty feet. Further, the height of any main or accessory building located in any Office Building District or General Business District shall not exceed thirty feet where adjoining a Residential District; and the same shall not exceed fifty feet where adjoining a nonresidential district. As used in this section, "adjoining" means having a side lot line or a side and rear lot line in common, but not where only rear lot lines adjoin.
   All dormers, stairwells, elevator shafts, air conditioning units or other similar structures or equipment extending above the roof line of a building shall be provided with a solid cover, with a design conforming to the architectural style and materials of the building, and shall extend no more than ten feet above the height of the building.
(Ord. 1988-173. Passed 10-17-88.)