1276.01 INTENT.
   Office Building, Local Business, General Business, Motorist Service and Shopping Center Districts and their regulations are established herein in order to achieve among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To provide in appropriate and convenient locations zoning districts of sufficient size for the exchange of goods and services and other business activities;
   (b)   To provide Office Building Districts devoted exclusively to professional services, banking and other similar financial services and the management of commercial, industrial, public and semipublic institutions;
   (c)   To provide Local Business Districts to serve the needs for convenience goods in proximity to the immediate neighborhood which do not attract large volumes of traffic;
   (d)   To provide General Business Districts which require larger land areas, which may be open in the evening and which generate large volumes of traffic serving the needs for shopping and convenience goods and services of the entire community;
   (e)   To provide Motorist Service Districts in proximity to the intersections of major arterial streets and freeway interchanges to serve the personal needs of the motorist and provide facilities for the servicing of vehicles;
   (f)   To establish criteria and procedures for planned business areas so they may be coordinated with surrounding developments;
   (g)   To provide Shopping Center Districts where compatible business facilities with functional relationships will be planned, organized and grouped in a unified arrangement of buildings and service facilities, all designed on a designated area of sufficient dimensions to satisfy all off-street parking demands and located along major arterial streets where the traffic generated by such development can be accommodated in a manner that the public health, welfare and safety of the surrounding area will be maintained.
   (h)   To protect adjacent residential neighborhoods by regulating the types and spacing of business uses, particularly at the common boundaries, which could create hazards, noise, odors or other objectionable influences; and
   (i)   To promote the most desirable land use and traffic patterns in the City of North Royalton.
(Ord. 1988-173. Passed 10-17-88.)