1274.01 INTENT.
   As used in this Zoning Code, "public facilities" means facilities classified as main and accessory buildings and uses in the schedule provided in Section 1274.02(a). Public Facilities Districts and regulations therefor are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To provide proper zoning classifications for governmental, civic, health, welfare, educational and recreational facilities in proper locations and to an extent so as to promote the general safety, convenience, comfort and welfare;
   (b)   To protect such public and semipublic facilities and institutions from the encroachment of certain other uses;
   (c)   To assure that such public and semipublic facilities shall be compatible with adjoining residential uses;
   (d)   To provide an environment for the proper functioning of public facilities in relation to the City's adopted land use or street plan and other plans for community facilities; and
   (e)   To alert the public to the location of parcels either intended or currently being used for public facilities.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 97-60. Passed 4-15-97.)
   (a)   Permitted Buildings and Uses. Buildings and land shall be used in a Public Facilities District, and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in a Public Facilities District, only for uses set forth in the following schedule:
   Schedule of Permitted Buildings and Uses in PF District
Main Buildings and Uses            Accessory Buildings and Uses
Governmental: Municipal, County,          Public parking areas, storage garages,
State and Federal buildings and uses          parsonage, residence for custodian or
for administrative functions and uses       guard, maintenance and heating facility,
by the general public, including post          adult day care centers, child day care centers.
offices, police and fire stations and
town halls.
Civic: Art galleries, public zoos,
libraries, museums, observatories,
places for public assembly, memorials,
monuments, cemeteries, fraternal
organizations and private clubs.
Educational: Nursery, primary and
secondary public, private or parochial
schools; institutions of higher
Recreational: Parks, recreation fields,
playgrounds, lakes, beaches, pools,
public gardens and golf courses.
Religious: Churches and synagogues.
   (b)   Wireless Telecommunications Facilities as a Conditional Use. Wireless telecommunications facilities may be permitted, provided that a conditional use permit is granted in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1262.07 and Chapter 1290.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 97-59. Passed 4-15-97; Ord. 01-173. Passed 11-6-02; Ord. 15-72. Passed 9-15-15.)
   The parcel of land to be developed for a public facility, i.e. the above-stated main buildings and uses, shall be sufficiently large in area to provide a proper setting for the development so that the main and accessory buildings shall not occupy more than twenty percent of the parcel, and accommodate the off-street parking and other accessory uses without impairing the character of the neighborhood or enjoyment of use of adjoining properties.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88.)
   (a)   Front Yards. The front yard setback shall be not less than seventy-five feet when adjacent to any Residential District or not less than the required front yard setback for any adjacent nonresidential district.
   (b)   Side and Rear Yards.
      (1)   Main buildings and uses. The yards for each public facility building shall be not less than the criteria set forth in the following schedule when adjacent to any Residential District:
                           Minimum Yard (ft.)*
                           Side*      Rear*
      Governmental: Administrative buildings      50      75
      Civic: Non-assembly buildings         50      75
         Assembly buildings            50      75
      Educational: Public, private and parochial
            schools            75      100
            Nursery schools, adult day care centers
            and child day care centers      50      100
      Recreational: Buildings            75      100
      Religious: Churches and synagogues         50      75
      *Or two times the height of the building, whichever is greater.
      (2)   Accessory uses. Driveways and parking areas serving the public facility may be located within the side or rear yard set forth in the above schedule, but driveways shall be located not less than ten feet, and parking areas and accessory buildings not less than twenty feet, from any adjacent lot line; and play areas shall not be located less than fifty feet from any adjacent boundary line of a Residential District.
      (3)   Yards adjacent to nonresidential districts. Side and rear yards for main and accessory buildings and uses adjacent to nonresidential districts shall be not less than the side and rear yard setbacks for that particular nonresidential district.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 01-173. Passed 11-6-02; Ord. 15-72. Passed 9-15-15.)
   Public and semi-public buildings may be erected to a height not exceeding forty feet or three floors, and side and rear yard setback shall be a minimum of fifty feet, but two times the height of the building when the height of the building exceeds twenty-five feet. Further, chimneys, spires, cupolas, domes, towers, flagpoles and radio or television receiving antennas, monuments and other mechanical appurtenances, located upon or constructed as an integral part of the main building, shall not exceed a height of fifty feet.
   The maximum height of radio and television transmitting towers and water towers shall be determined by the Planning Commission but shall not exceed the minimum width of the side yard, the minimum depth of the rear yard or the minimum depth of the front yard, whichever is least.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88.)
1274.06 LIGHTING.
   Flood lighting or other lighting of play fields, buildings, bulletin boards and parking areas shall be located and designed so as to shield the light source from adjoining residences, and except for indoor lighting within the main building, shall be extinguished between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless a conditional use permit has been applied for and approved in accordance with Section 1262.07 for a longer lighting period.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88.)