In order to classify, regulate and restrict the location of business, industries, residences, recreation and other land uses and the location of buildings designed for specified uses; to regulate and limit the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures hereafter erected or altered; to regulate and limit the percentage of lot area which may be occupied; and to establish setback lines, sizes of yards and other open spaces within and surrounding such buildings and the density of population; the incorporated territory of the City is hereby divided into zoning use districts. Regulations are uniform for each class or kind of building or structure or use throughout each zoning district. Such districts shall be known as:
   District Title            Residential Districts         Abbreviation
   One Family A                           R1-A
   One Family B                           R1-B
   MultiFamily D                        RM-D
   Residence/Professional Office                  RPO
   Rural Residential                        RR
   Senior Citizen                           SRC
                  Public Facilities
   Public Facilities                        PF
                  Business Districts
   Office Building                        OB
   Local Business                        LB
   General Business                        GB
   Motorist Service                        MS
   Shopping Center                        SC
                  Industrial Districts
   Commercial Service                        CS
   Research Office                        RO
   General Industrial A                        GI-A
   General Industrial B                        GI-B
                  Planned Residential Dist.
   Planned Unit Development                     PUD
   Whenever the abbreviated terms such as PF, R1-A, LB, GB, etc., are used in this Zoning Code, they shall be construed as referring to their corresponding district titles.
   The above classification of districts shall not be construed as an enumeration of most restrictive to least restrictive districts except for the specific purposes set forth in this Zoning Code.
   No buildings or premises shall be erected or used except in conformity with the regulations herein prescribed for the use districts in which such buildings or premises are located and with all other regulations contained in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 89-209. Passed 2-6-90; Ord. 95-22. Passed 5-3-95.)