1024.06 CURB CUTS.
   The owner/builder shall be fully responsible for the removal of the upright concrete curbing at the side designated for the appropriate parcel lot. Such concrete curb removal shall be done in such a manner as not to damage or shatter the concrete curbing that is to remain. To this end, no pneumatic or hand tools shall be used in the removal process. Only approved concrete saws shall be used in this process and care shall be used in working around reinforcing steel so as not to damage or de-bond the steel.
   Specifically, the cuts on the existing upright curb shall begin at both sides of the proposed driveway site and shall extend twelve inches each towards the center of the driveway at an approximate thirty-five degree angle. The cuts shall be four inches deep, thereby leaving a two-inch curb for the remaining inset of the driveway.
(Ord. 1987-37. Passed 3-18-87.)