(a)   An Enterprise Zone Program Committee is hereby established and shall be composed of the following members:
      (1)   One member appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council;
      (2)   One member appointed by Council;
      (3)   One member appointed by the Board of Education of the North Royalton City Schools District.
   (b)   All members of the Enterprise Zone Program Committee shall be employees of or residents of the City of North Royalton. Members of the Tax Incentive Review Council may also be members of the Enterprise Zone Program Committee. Members shall serve two-year terms. The terms for all appointments shall commence the first day of the next month following the appointments.
   (c)   Within thirty days after initial appointment of all members, the Enterprise Zone Program Committee shall elect a Chairperson from among its membership and shall adopt such rules of procedure from time to time as are necessary and appropriate to carry out its functions and as are consistent with these Guidelines and the ordinances of the City.
   (d)   The Enterprise Zone Program Committee shall perform those duties set forth in these Guidelines and shall negotiate and administer enterprise zone agreements. Members shall be called by the Chairperson on an as-needed basis for the explicit purpose of reviewing individual applications made to the City by individual businesses for tax abatement and other considerations as allowable under the State enterprise agreement. This Committee shall reach a majority decision on a case-by-case basis of the allowable abatement program and the method of revenue sharing between the two agencies (the City and the Board of Education of the North Royalton City Schools District).
(Ord. 97-67. Passed 3-18-97; Ord. 08-91. Passed 5-20-08.)