(a)   The Clerk of Council shall be appointed by a majority of the members elected to Council.
   (b)   The Clerk of Council shall serve at the pleasure of Council and/or until his or her successor is qualified and appointed.
   (c)   The Clerk of Council shall not hold any elective office within the Municipality during his or her tenure of office, but may serve in another capacity simultaneously only after formal approval by a majority of the members elected to Council.
   (d)   The council office hours shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays and at all other hours specifically set by Council.
   (e)   The Clerk of Council shall receive such benefits as are set forth for full-time non-civil service employees, except for overtime pay and clothing allowance.
   (f)   The person appointed as Clerk of Council shall have a substantial knowledge of the workings, duties and purposes of municipal government.
   (g)   The functions, duties and job classification of the Clerk of Council shall be as set forth in a job description including but not limited to:
      (1)   Serve as Department Head for the Council Office;
      (2)   Supervise all Council Office personnel;
      (3)   Attend all regular and special Council meetings and cause minutes of same to be recorded. All meetings are required to be audio taped as outlined in Section 212.03 of these Codified Ordinances.
      (4)   Maintain or cause to be maintained accurate, timely and complete records of all official City documents;
      (5)   Prepare or supervise the preparation of timely and accurate records and minutes of all regular and special Council meetings and proceedings;
      (6)   Receive, sort and accept, on behalf of Council, all communications which require the deliberation and consideration of Council and distribute the same to all Council members;
      (7)   Prepare or supervise the preparation of the agenda for Council meetings, under the direction of the President of Council;
      (8)   Attend all public hearings conducted by Council and cause minutes of same to be recorded. All meetings are required to be audio taped as outlined in Section 212.03 of these Codified Ordinances.
      (9)   Supervise the preparation and distribution of the Codified Ordinances;
      (10)      Answer all inquiries directed to ordinances, Council proceedings and official city records, or direct such inquiries to the proper city official for an answer;
      (11)   Prepare personally all transcripts of Council meetings and other documents, when such transcripts relate specifically to notes, bonds and tax levies;
      (12)   Be responsible for the posting of ordinances, notices and/or other documents, as required by municipal ordinances or statutory law, and for the mailing, posting or publication of public notices of hearings on applications authorized by and filed pursuant to the Zoning Code, and on amendments to the Zoning Code, and for the mailing, posting or publication of public notices of hearings on matters submitted to and coming before Council, pursuant to the City Charter or general law;
      (13)   Supervise the preparation and distribution of all regular and special reports of various Council committee meetings;
      (14)   Transmit to other city officials, department supervisors and division superintendents copies of all ordinances, resolutions and related information pertaining to such officials, departments and divisions;
      (15)   Prepare legislation requests to be sent to Law Director for preparation of legislation;
      (16)   Prepare annual budget for Legislative Activity;
      (17)   Attend all Assessment Equalization Board hearings and cause minutes of same to be recorded;
      (18)   Attend weekly Department Head meetings when scheduled;
      (19)   Perform all duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the Office of the Clerk of Council as stated and required in federal, state and local laws;
      (20)   Perform such other duties as may be required by Council.
(Ord. 98-20. Passed 2-17-98; Ord. 98-27. Passed 2-17-98; Ord. 03-149. Passed 12-1-03.)
   (h)   The Clerk of Council shall work directly under the general direction of the President of Council, and the Clerk of Council 's methods of performance are his or her sole responsibility, so long as such performance is accomplished within the established policies or rules and regulations established by Council.
(Ord. 1987-44. Passed 5-20-87.)
   (i)   The Clerk of Council may be removed from office by Council for the same causes, in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions, as are provided by the City Charter for the removal of the Director of Finance.
   (j)   In cases of the death, resignation, disability, removal from office of the Clerk of Council, Council shall, by resolution, declare the office of Clerk of Council vacant and shall commence the application process for selection of a Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 2636. Passed 8-5-59; Ord. 98-20. Passed 2-3-98; Ord. 23-165. Passed 12-19-23.)