Whenever a street or alley or a part thereof is to be put under contract for paving or repaving, the City Clerk shall notify the owners in fee simple of real estate abutting such street or alley, and their tenants or lessees, and also all gas and telephone companies and all sewer service patrons and water consumers, by publication or otherwise, of the purpose of the city to pave, and that all gas, water, sewer and underground connections must be made prior to the paving or repaving of the street or alley at the owner’s expense, and that the city will make the underground water and sewer connections required and assess the cost thereof as a special assessment against the property served by the underground connection according to benefits when the paving district cost is equalized and assessed. The notice shall be published 1 time in a legal newspaper published in or of general circulation in the city at least 20 days prior to the beginning of the operation by the party having the work under construction.
(Prior Code, § 52-7)