The following accessory uses are permitted in any One and Two Family Residence District, provided that no accessory building or structure may be erected nor accessory use be commenced prior to the construction of the dwelling:
   A.   Home Occupations. A home occupation may be permitted subject to the following requirements:
      1.   Only members of the family residing within the dwelling shall work therein;
      2.   The occupation shall be conducted wholly within the resident dwelling;
      3.   The home occupation shall not attract a greater number of automobiles to the premises than normally associated with a single family residence;
      4.   Commercial trucks, tractors, trailers or other vehicles as defined in the Traffic Code or other mobile equipment shall not be parked overnight in driveways or yards;
      5.   No equipment shall be used nor activity conducted which will create any dust, noise, odors, glare, vibrations or electrical disturbances beyond the lot;
      6.   The residential character of the dwelling exterior shall not be changed;
      7.   Any signage shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 1163.
   B.   Private Garages and Driveways.
      1.   Garage Required. At least one (1) private garage shall be provided for each dwelling on lots in any One or Two Family Residence District. No more than one (1) private attached garage and one (1) private detached garage may be located upon any lot. Furthermore, the following requirements shall be met:
         a.   Area. Any private garage, attached or detached, shall not exceed 750 square feet in floor area. Additionally, any detached and attached private garages in combination shall not exceed 750 square feet in floor area.
         b.   Dimensions. Any private garage shall have interior measurements of not less than twenty (20) feet in depth and nine (9) feet in width. A detached private garage shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
         c.   Setbacks. A detached private garage shall be located not less than fifteen (15) feet from a dwelling on the same lot or any adjacent lot and shall be set back not less than five (5) feet from a side property line and ten (10) feet from a rear property line. A private garage attached by a common wall to the livable floor area of a dwelling or connected to the dwelling by a covered or other enclosed area shall be considered part of the principal structure for the purposes of determining required setbacks.
      2.   Driveway Required. Any private garage shall be served by a driveway meeting the following requirements:
         a.   Curb Cuts. One (1) driveway curb cut shall be permitted on each residential lot in any One or Two Family Residence District.
         b.   Materials. All driveways and parking pads shall be constructed of concrete or asphalt according to the specifications on file in the Division of Building. The use of pervious materials such as turf block, grass strips between concrete strips, brick pavers and similar materials may be approved by the City Engineer on a case-by-case basis. Gravel is not a permitted material for driveways or parking pads.
         c.   Width. A driveway providing access to a detached garage shall be no more than twelve (12) feet in width in a front yard and twenty-four (24) feet in width in a side or rear yard. A driveway providing access to an attached garage shall be no wider than twenty-four (24) feet. A driveway section no wider than twelve (12) feet may be extended in a side or rear yard adjacent to one side of a detached or attached garage. A paved area, the width of the attached or detached garage and any driveway adjacent to the garage as measured from the garage walls, is permitted to extend for a distance (depth) of twenty (20) feet from the garage doors before tapering back at no less than a forty-five (45) degree angle to the required driveway width to allow access to the garage and the adjacent spaces.
         d.   Length. Driveways shall extend no further than the most distant point of the garage from the access street.
         e.   Nonconforming conditions. If a garage is not present on the residential lot, a driveway may be constructed only in the front and side yards in accordance with the restrictions for that permitted for a detached garage.
      3.   Parking Pads. One and two-family dwellings are permitted an additional paved parking/turnaround pad meeting the following requirements:
         a.   Location. A pad may be constructed in the front yard of a residential lot having access from an arterial street as designated in Table 1161.07-1. A parking pad may be constructed in the rear or side yard of any residential lot.
         b.   Design. The pad shall be constructed perpendicular and attached to the driveway. The pad shall be located a minimum distance of five (5) feet from any property line. The pad shall have a maximum length of eighteen (18) feet measured from the existing driveway edge to the far end of the pad and a maximum width of twenty (20) feet.
         c.   Open Space. The pad shall be constructed to maintain at least sixty percent (60%) green space in the front yard and fifty percent (50%) green space in the combined side and rear yards.
   C.   Storage Buildings and Accessory Structures.
      1.   Storage buildings and accessory structures shall only be permitted in rear yards of residential lots in any One or Two Family Residence District.
      2.   One detached storage building in addition to a private detached garage shall be permitted on a residential lot in accordance with the following schedule:
Table 1135.02-1, Storage Buildings
Lot Area
Building Size
Building Height
Under 10,850 sq. ft.
100 sq. ft.
12 ft.
10,850 to 21,779 sq. ft.
150 sq. ft.
12 ft.
21,780 to 43,559 sq. ft.
200 sq. ft.
12 ft.
43,560 sq. ft. and greater
300 sq. ft. for the first acre plus 50 sq. ft. for each additional acre in lot size
14 ft.
      3.   Storage buildings 200 square feet or more in size shall meet the drainage requirements of the City Engineer.
      4.   Permitted accessory structures include decks, patios, terraces, arbors, trellises, gazebos and pavilions. The maximum height of any accessory structure shall be twelve (12) feet.
         a.   Any covered or roofed deck, patio or terrace shall be considered part of the principal structure and shall meet the required setbacks of the principal structure.
         b.    Any uncovered or unenclosed deck, patio or terrace may encroach into the required rear yard by no greater than twelve (12) feet, except that decks may also be permitted attached or contiguous to swimming pools.
         c.    Paved patios at-grade, un-roofed and unenclosed, may be located in the required rear yard subject to the requirements of Section 1135.02C.5. below.
      5.   Any storage building or freestanding accessory structure shall be set back not less than five (5) feet from any side or rear lot line. On a corner lot, any storage building or accessory structure shall be set back not less than the required front building setback for the abutting lot on the side street.
      6.   No part of any storage building or accessory structure shall be located within a recorded utility easement or drainage swale, or in such a manner that hinders the free flow of stormwater or hinders the maintenance of stormwater control structures as determined by the City Engineer.
   D.   Fences. Fences shall be permitted in accordance with the following regulations and the requirements and specifications contained in Chapter 1369, Fences and Screen Walls, in the Building Code.
      1.   Side and Rear Yards. A fence not exceeding six (6) feet in height may be placed along any side or rear property line providing it does not extend nearer the street line than the front building line.
      2.   Front Yards. A fence may be placed between the front building line and front lot line so long as at least fifty percent (50%) of the face is open space and the fence does not exceed thirty (30) inches in height.
      3.   Corner Lots. A fence not exceeding six (6) feet in height may be constructed on a corner lot in the side and rear yards provided that the fence is set back at least twenty (20) feet from the front lot line of the abutting lot on the side street. A fence that is at least fifty percent (50%) open and that does not exceed thirty (30) inches in height may be constructed on a corner lot in the side and rear yards at the front lot line of the abutting lot on the side street.
   E.   Animal Shelters.
      1.   Keeping domestic farm animals on private property is regulated in Section 505.19 of the General Offenses Code. Maintenance of animal shelters and any property used for keeping domestic farm animals is regulated in Chapter 1363 of the Building Code. Where permitted, shelters for domestic farm animals shall be located within rear yard areas so that no part of the structure shall be located within ten (10) feet of any side or rear lot line, within 200 feet of a dwelling on any adjacent lot or within 200 feet of any front lot line, except as modified in (b) below.
         a.    Any area where chickens are harbored shall be limited to a maximum of fifty (50) square feet and six (6) feet in height, inclusive of any structures used to house chickens, and shall be fully enclosed on all sides and well ventilated.
         b.   Chicken coops and associated enclosures shall meet the location and side and rear yard setback requirements for animal shelters, except that no part of any structure or enclosure shall be located within forty-five (45) feet of a dwelling on any adjacent lot.
         c.   Chicken coops and any associated enclosures shall be removed if not in active use for more than 180 calendar days.
      2.   Shelters for dogs shall be limited to fifteen (15) square feet, shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and shall only be located within rear yard areas so that no part of the structure shall be located within ten (10) feet of any side or rear lot line.
   F.   Antennas and Towers. An independent television antenna or radio tower not to exceed fifty (50) feet in height and not used for commercial purposes may be located in either a rear or side yard, attached to the gabled side of the dwelling where practical.
   G.   Portable Storage Containers. For the purposes of this section, "portable storage container" means any container designed for the temporary storage of personal property which is typically rented to owners or occupants of property for their storage use and which is delivered and/or removed by truck or trailer.
      1.   No person shall place a portable storage container on private property without first obtaining a permit from the Division of Building. Each container placed in accordance with this section shall be issued a placard that must be prominently displayed indicating the date of placement and removal.
      2.   Only one container is permitted on a property.
      3.   The size of any portable storage container shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in length by eight (8) feet in width by eight (8) feet in height.
      4.   Any portable storage container must be located on a driveway or other hard surfaced area.
      5.   Portable storage containers shall be required to meet side and rear setback requirements for main uses. If feasible, containers must be located outside of required front setback area, but if not feasible, as close to the front setback line as possible.
      6.   Portable storage containers may be placed on a property for up to thirty (30) days. The Building Commissioner may permit the placement of a portable storage container on a property for more than thirty (30) days, provided the property owner has an active building permit or has demonstrated that extenuating circumstances exist to justify the extension.
      7.   In addition to the required placard, no more than one (1) sign having a maximum area no greater than permitted for temporary signs under Chapter 1163 may be displayed on any portable storage container.
      8.   Any portable storage container shall be free of dents, rust and/or graffiti and shall be maintained in good condition.
   H.   Recreational Vehicles. Recreational vehicles such as boats, travel trailers, motor homes and utility trailers may be stored in One and Two Family Residence Districts as follows:
      1.   Recreational vehicles may not be stored in front yard areas, except one vehicle may be temporarily parked upon a driveway not more than seven (7) consecutive days and not more than twenty-eight (28) days total in a calendar year. For calculation purposes, a recreational vehicle shall be considered parked for a day if it is parked for any part of that day.
      2.   Not more than two (2) recreational vehicles may be parked or stored outside of an enclosed building in a side or rear yard area, not closer than five (5) feet to a side lot line and ten (10) feet to a rear lot line.
      3.   In the case of a corner lot, no recreational vehicles shall be stored in the side street side yard or in the rear yard area closer to the front lot line than the required front building setback of the adjacent lot.
      4.   All recreational vehicles must be parked on a driveway, parking pad or another approved, stable surface.
      5.   No recreational vehicle shall have fixed connections to any utility, nor shall such vehicle be used as a dwelling.
      6.   No storage shall be permitted in or under any recreational vehicle. All recreational vehicles shall be kept in good repair and shall carry the current year's license plate registered to the legal occupant.
   I.   Swimming Pools. Permanent swimming pools, including decks, accessory structures or other equipment shall only be permitted in rear yards of residential lots in any One or Two Family Residence District. Any pool or associated structure shall be set back not less than ten (10) feet from any side or rear lot line.
   J.   Book Exchange Boxes. For purposes of this section, "book exchange box" shall mean an accessory structure maintained by a resident on private property where books and recorded performing arts are kept for public use and/or exchange with no fees or sales. Book exchange boxes shall be subject to the following requirements:
      1.   Boxes are limited to a maximum height of five (5) feet to the highest point on the structure and a maximum width and depth of three (3) feet.
      2.   Boxes are prohibited in the public right-of-way or in recorded easements.
      3.   Boxes are permitted in the front yard or side corner yard only and must be located a minimum of five (5) feet from any right-of-way line or any neighboring lot line, measured from the nearest point of the book exchange box.
      4.   No book exchange box may be located so that it impedes pedestrian access or circulation, obstructs parking areas, or creates an unsafe condition. Boxes cannot be constructed in a manner that obstructs visibility of intersections.
      5.   No more than one book exchange box is permitted per lot.
      6.   Boxes which are abandoned, or which are accessory to a vacant or abandoned property, are prohibited and shall be removed. A box shall be determined to be abandoned if it has ceased its operations for a period of at least six (6) months.
   K.   Prohibited Accessory Structures and Uses. Quonset huts, inflatable garages, portable garages, temporary garages, carports, converted storage or shipping containers, tents used for storage, and semi-tractor trailers used for storage (with or without wheels) are prohibited. Also, floodlights, search lights, loudspeakers or similar structures shall not be erected or used in any One or Two Family Residence District.
   L.   Temporary Ramps. A temporary ramp, where required for the use of an individual with disabilities who is a resident of the dwelling, shall be permitted subject to the following requirements.
      1.   The ramp may only provide access to the occupiable level nearest to grade.
      2.   The ramp shall be permitted in any yard provided such ramp is not less than three (3) feet from any lot line.
      3.   The area of the ramp shall not be considered in the calculation of maximum lot coverage for structures, or minimum green space for parking or drives.
      4.   The ramp shall be removed within ninety (90) days of the date that it is no longer required by the resident individual with disabilities.
(Ord. 202-77. Passed 2-16-21; Ord. 2020-145. Passed 4-20-21.)