(a)   Definition. Domestic Farm Animal means the following:
      (1)   Goats
      (2)   Sheep
      (3)   Swine
      (4)   Bovine (Cows, Bulls, Cattle)
      (5)   Turkeys, Chickens, Geese or Ducks.
      (6)   Horses (Equine) or Mules.
      (7)   Alpaca
      (8)   Llama
   (b)   Prohibition against Keeping Domestic Farm Animals. Except as exempted herein, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, upon a parcel of land less than three quarters (¾) of one (1) acre in size, to keep, display, harbor, raise, maintain, possess or in any other manner have a domestic farm animal, either inside or outside of a structure within the City. It shall further be unlawful for any owner or occupant of a parcel of land to permit such prohibited activity to occur on premises owned or occupied by such person without regard to ownership of the animals. For purposes of this section, when calculating three quarters (¾) of one (1) acre of a parcel of land, contiguous parcels of land, without intersecting streets, shall constitute three quarters (¾) of one (1) acre of a parcel of land if such parcels are titled to the same person or entity. This prohibition shall not apply to persons with ten (10) or less chickens (hens only) on a parcel of land less than three quarters (¾) of one (1) acre in size.
   (c)   Any person in violation of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree upon the first offense. For the second and subsequent violations of this section, the violator shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each and every day that a violation continues for each and every animal shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense and the court is authorized to impose penalties for each and every day that an offense continues unabated. In addition, the court may order, at the violator's expense, that the domestic farm animals be relocated to suitable agricultural facilities or otherwise order removal by the City at the violator's expense. If such relocation or removal is not practical, as an alternative, the court is hereby authorized to order, at the violator's expense, that the domestic farm animals be humanely destroyed by a qualified veterinarian.
   (d)   Both the Division of Police and the Division of Building are authorized to enforce the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 2013-17. Passed 5-7-13.)