Alcoholic Beverages on Public Grounds
957.01   Permitted circumstances.
   The possession, use, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted despite the provisions of Section 529.09 prohibiting such sale and consumption, only under the following specific circumstances.
   (a)   Springvale. The prohibition of possession, use, sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public buildings or on public grounds shall not apply to the municipally owned golf course, clubhouse and ballroom facilities at Springvale.
   (b)   Senior Center. The prohibition of possession, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public buildings or on public grounds shall not apply to the municipally owned senior center.
(c)   Homecoming and other Festivals. The prohibition of possession, use, sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages at North Olmsted Park shall not apply during the hours of operation for the North Olmsted Party in the Park, as such event may be scheduled annually by the North Olmsted Arts Commission, and North Olmsted Homecoming, as such hours are established by the North Olmsted Community Council, traditionally a four (4) day festival from Thursday through Sunday the weekend prior to Labor Day weekend. The use, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages as authorized herein is limited to the use, sale and consumption of beer and wine only, within a single enclosed area, which may include a tent, subject to compliance with all applicable state laws and the licensing authority of the Mayor or his or her designee. The permit process set forth in subsection (d) shall apply to this section.
(d)   Community Cabin. The prohibition of possession, use, sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public buildings or on public grounds shall not apply to any individual or organization who first requests and obtains a permit from the Mayor or his or her designee to possess, use, sell or consume alcoholic beverages within the North Olmsted Community Cabin at North Olmsted Park, as follows:
(1)   A permit application shall be established by the Mayor or his or her designee and, together with proper photographic identification, shall require the following non-exclusive information from the Applicant: the name, date of birth, address, and telephone number of the Applicant, the event to be hosted, the type of alcoholic beverages to be possessed, used, sold or consumed, the anticipated number of guests, whether minors will be in attendance, and the date and time of the event at which alcoholic beverages may be possessed, used, sold or consumed in the North Olmsted Community Cabin.
(2)   The Mayor or his or her designee is authorized and shall establish such rules and regulations as he deems necessary to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. This includes, but is not limited to, restrictions on hours of operation, restrictions on type of alcoholic beverage to be sold, restrictions on age of admission and security requirements. The fee for such permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
(3)   All persons receiving a permit pursuant to this section shall, in addition to the rules and regulations of the Mayor or his or her designee, comply with all rules, regulations, statutes and ordinances of the State of Ohio and City of North Olmsted as they pertain to the possession, sale, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages within the State of Ohio.
(4)   All open container alcoholic beverages possessed, used, sold or consumed at the North Olmsted Community Cabin pursuant to a permit issued by the Mayor or his or her designee must be consumed within the Community Cabin itself. No open container alcoholic beverage shall be permitted to be consumed or possessed outside of the North Olmsted Community Cabin or in North Olmsted Park.
   (e)   Saturday in the Park Concert Series. The prohibition of possession, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public buildings or on public grounds shall not apply during the published hours of an annual event sponsored by the City of North Olmsted at North Olmsted Park and known as the Saturday in the Park Concert Series.
(Ord. 2023-8. Passed 2-21-23.)