(A)   It shall be the duty of every owner or his or her agent or occupant of any house, building, flat, or apartment, or tenement in the village where people reside, board, or lodge, or animal or vegetable matter is prepared or served, and at all times, to maintain in good order and repair a can or receptacle for garbage.
   (B)   The container for garbage shall be watertight, and made of metal or hard plastic with close fitting cover; it shall have a capacity of not less than five nor more than ten gallons, and shall be provided with suitable handles.
   (C)   No garbage or refuse of any kind shall be deposited in any street, alley, or public way, except as is provided in this section; no such refuse shall be placed so that it can be blown about or scattered by the wind or by any animal.
(Ord. 162, passed 6-7-1988) Penalty, see § 50.99