The following "Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the City of Northlake, Illinois", are hereby adopted and approved by the City Council: (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
A. Goals Of Department: The goals of department members are:
1. Maintenance of the highest standards of integrity and ethics.
2. Excellence in the performance of duty.
B. General Rules Of Conduct:
Rule 1. State Law To Govern: In the event any of the rules and regulations adopted herein by the Mayor and City Council shall be in conflict with any Statutes of the State of Illinois, the Statutes of the State of Illinois shall govern, and such rules and regulations as may be in conflict are to be read and interpreted in accordance with the State Statutes. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 2. Knowledge Of Rules: Members of the Police Department shall acquaint themselves with all State laws, City ordinances and rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners 1 and rules of the Chief of Police pertaining to the Police Department and shall strictly comply with same. Ignorance of the rules of the Police Department or Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall be no excuse for violation of same.
Rule 3. Conduct: No member of the Police Department shall conduct himself/herself in a manner unbecoming a police officer or employee of the Police Department. All members of the Police Department shall at all times conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen and shall be courteous in their conversation and actions with citizens, and no member of the Police Department shall conduct himself/herself in a careless or malicious manner whereby a citizen is injured or damage caused to his property. No police officer will associate with or keep company with a known criminal or ex-convict. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 4. Obey Orders: All police officers shall promptly and speedily obey and execute all orders of a superior officer and strictly adhere to the chain of command whenever possible. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 5. Obey Aides: All members of the Police Department shall observe and enforce the order of an acting superior officer in charge.
Rule 6. Courtesy: Subordinates shall recognize the authority vested in superior officers and shall observe such authority on all occasions. All members of the Police Department, when addressing one another, shall use the full title and at no time shall use abbreviations.
Rule 7. Police Officers Always On Duty: Members of the Police Department shall be considered as being on duty at all times. They shall be subject to special calls and special details, upon the order of a superior officer, at any time of the day or night, whether on or off duty; provided, however, that certain hours shall be designated as the working hours for each member of the Police Department for the performance of police duty. It shall be the duty of all members of the Police Department to respond and perform police duty at any time of the day or night, whether on or off duty, where he/she has the knowledge that an emergency exists and his/her services are required, whether notified by a superior officer or not.
Rule 8. Absence From Duty: When a police officer is absent from his/her regularly assigned duty, he/she shall, in all cases, fill out the absentee report and file same with his/her commanding officer upon returning to duty. If absence is due to illness, notice of such illness shall be given by telephone to the police department not less than two (2) hours before regularly assigned tour of duty, and a doctor's report, if required, shall be attached to the absentee report. When disability prevents the absent person from making out this report, the chief of police shall be responsible for the completion and filing of this report, stating in detail the reasons for the inability of the absent person. Trading of days off shall not be permitted except upon consent of the chief of police.
Rule 9. Unauthorized Absence: If no proper notification of absence is given, and a member of the police department is absent for five (5) successive calendar days, he/she shall be deemed to have resigned and shall forfeit all of his/her rights and privileges as a member of the police department. At the conclusion of the fifth day of absence, the chief of police shall notify the board of fire and police commissioners, in writing, and the board, after due consideration, shall notify the person involved, and he/she shall be dropped from the payroll of the city.
Rule 10. Furlough Requests: A furlough is an authorized absence from duty by a police officer, without pay, for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, for reasons of health and welfare to himself/herself or his/her immediate family. Requests for furloughs shall be considered by the board of fire and police commissioners upon receipt of a written request (3 copies) giving full details and properly approved by the chief of police. A man/woman on furlough shall not engage in any other employment and shall notify the chief of police for reassignment three (3) days before the expiration of his/her furlough. If he/she shall fail to return to his/her duty at the expiration of his/her furlough for five (5) consecutive calendar days, he/she shall be dropped from the police department after due consideration by the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 11. Leaving Post: No member of the police department shall leave his/her post without being regularly relieved or without permission.
Rule 12. Attention To Duty: All members of the police department shall be attentive to their duties.
Rule 13. Negligence: No member of the police department shall neglect his/her duty or duties, perform them in an inefficient or careless manner, ever mindful that such carelessness or inefficient performance of duty may cause serious results.
Rule 14. Asleep While On Duty: No member of the police department shall sleep while on duty under any conditions.
Rule 15. False Report: No member of the police department shall make a false report, either verbal or written.
Rule 16. Reasons For Discipline: Members of the police department shall be subject to disciplinary procedure for the excessive or habitual: (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
1. Use of drugs, such as:
a. Narcotics
b. Sedatives in excess
c. Antihistamines in excess
d. Stimulants - excessive or chronic use of benzedrine or dexedrine
e. Drug sensitivity
2. Alcohol - chronic or excessive use. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 17A. Driving Of Police Motor Vehicle; Accidents: No member of the police department shall drive any motor vehicle in a careless, reckless or malicious manner. In case of an accident, he/she shall, as soon as possible, make out a written report to the officer in charge of his/her shift, stating the nature of business at the time of the accident, giving the date, time, place and cause, the names and addresses of all people involved, the names and addresses of all witnesses, what disposition was made of the injured and what damage there was to his/her assigned vehicle or to any other property involved. In case the driver of the police vehicle is unable to make out this report, then the officer in charge of the shift shall be responsible for investigating and making out this report.
Rule 17B. Investigation Of Accidents: Commanding officers of the shift where a police accident takes place shall immediately put into action a separate personal investigation, and this written report shall be personally put before the chief of police as soon as possible with all pertinent information thereof and what action was taken, if any.
Rule 18. Residence And Telephone: All members of the police department shall notify the chief of police of their address and telephone number. They shall notify the chief of police and the board of fire and police commissioners of any change in their residence address or telephone number. All members are required to have a telephone.
Rule 19. Discipline: Members of the police department shall not use coarse, profane or insolent language in their conversation with citizens or members of the police department, shall at all times be clean and neat in their appearance, shall be punctual and shall promptly comply with all the rules and regulations of the police department. Superior officers shall be responsible for the bad conduct of their subordinates and shall be responsible for instituting corrective and disciplinary action and shall report all violations of the rules and regulations of the police department to the chief of police in writing.
Rule 20. Interference Of Discipline: No member of the police department shall affiliate himself/herself with a clique or group of members of the department, the result of which activity or whose purpose is to disturb and interfere with the orderly procedure of department business.
Rule 21. Insubordination: Members of the police department shall not be insubordinate or disrespectful to a superior officer. In all cases of insubordination, it shall be mandatory of the superior to immediately file a written report (3 copies) with the chief of police. All members of the police department shall be subject to the orders of the their superior officers and shall observe and comply with the same.
Rule 22. Criticizing: Members of the police department shall not discuss or criticize, publicly or in private, the personal habits, religious beliefs, character or conduct or the official actions of other members of the police department. Constructive criticism is welcomed by your chief of police.
Rule 23. Daily Bulletin: All members of the police department shall carefully read the duty book daily and shall observe the instructions therein contained relating to the duties of their positions. Special attention shall be given to the descriptions of criminals wanted and of missing persons and property.
Rule 24. Loitering In Police Station: No persons other than those transacting police business shall be permitted in or about the police station or building of the police department. Police officers shall not lounge or appear to sleep in or about the police station or squad cars at any time.
Rule 25. Name And Number: Members of the police department shall give their name, rank and star number when requested.
Rule 26. Not To Give Out Information: No member of the police department shall give out or release any information concerning the affairs or business of the police department without the consent of the chief of police.
Rule 27. Communications To Other Departments Prohibited: No member of the police department shall communicate, in any manner whatsoever relative to work manners, with any city officials without first receiving permission from the chief of police.
Rule 28. Correspondence Requests: A copy of all correspondence or requests to the board of fire and police commissioners by any member of the police department shall be first channeled through the chief of police, and the chief of police shall sign the letter to be presented to the board of fire and police commissioners. He/she may also note his/her comments if he/she so desires.
Rule 29. Leaving City: No member of the police department shall leave the city limits during duty hours except on official business. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 30. Use Of Police Motor Vehicles For Personal Business: The use of police motor vehicles for personal business is prohibited under any conditions. Police motor vehicles must be used strictly for police business, and no riders shall be permitted who are not in the performance of official police duties.
C. Police Vehicles And Crews:
Rule 31. Care Of Vehicles: Police officers in charge of automobiles shall be responsible for keeping vehicles in a neat and clean condition and fully supplied at all times with the required equipment and if same is not found in perfect condition, shall at once report to their commanding officer. They shall see that caution is exercised by chauffeurs while on the street and report recklessness. They shall make the required reports without delay.
Rule 32. Duties Of Officers In Charge Of Automobile And Crew: Police officers in charge of automobile crews patrolling zones or districts shall be responsible for the proper performance of patrol duty, and the senior regular police officer shall be in charge.
Rule 33. Accidents: Whenever vehicles or other property are damaged or persons are injured by police vehicles, the police officer in charge shall designate a police officer to remain and render assistance, ascertain the exact extent of the damage to property and the injury to persons and submit a full report of same to his/her commanding officer. The commanding officer shall make a thorough investigation and file charges where police chauffeurs are at fault.
Rule 34. Duties Of Drivers: Drivers shall be responsible for the proper working condition of police vehicles during their tour of duty. Drivers shall respond to calls promptly and expediently as safety will permit. They shall not drive faster than the legal speed limit, except in the immediate pursuit of criminals or other cases of urgent necessity. They shall be governed by orders relating to the proper care of police vehicles and submit the required reports. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 35. Special Training: It shall be the duty of all members of the police department to fully cooperate and submit themselves for further training as prescribed by their superior officers, such as first aid, civilian defense programs and such other training that may be considered necessary.
Rule 36. Neglect Of Duty: No member of the police department shall neglect any duty or fail to perform the duties required of the police department in the rules and regulations contained herein. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 37. Radio Communications: Radio communications shall be used for official business only. Radio conversation shall be in a direct, business like manner. The use of disrespectful slurring or profane language is prohibited. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 38. Appear As A Witness: Members of the police department, subpoenaed or requested to appear for the defense or in the prosecution in any court proceeding, shall immediately report to the chief of police for appropriate action.
Rule 39. Accept Rewards: No member of the police department shall receive or accept any reward or gift from any person, firm, corporation, association, society, lodge, political party or other body of persons for service rendered or to be rendered as a member of the police department except regularly posted rewards which shall, in all cases, be approved first by the chief of police before their acceptance. Should rewards or gifts come into your possession under conditions beyond your control, the chief of police shall immediately be notified and he/she shall make such disposition as he/she shall see fit.
Rule 40. Accept Presents: No member of the police department shall accept any fee, reward or gift of any kind from persons arrested or from any friend in his behalf while he is in custody or after his release or discharge. Members of the police department shall not accept presents or gifts from groups, clubs, associates, societies, citizens, lodges or political parties.
Rule 41. Bribes: No member of the police department shall accept bribes of money, gifts or other articles of apparent or actual value.
Rule 42. Soliciting Of Funds; Donations; Gifts: No member of the police department shall solicit funds, donations, gifts, etc., or cause his/her name to be used or authorize any organization or person to solicit funds, donations or gifts in his/her behalf, for any purpose whatsoever, without first getting the written permission of the chief of police and the written approval of the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 43. Debts: Members of the police department shall honor all just obligations and indebtedness owed by such members, and said member shall not incur or become liable for obligations which he/she, in the reasonable course of events, could not contemplate meeting at maturity.
Correspondence regarding nonpayment of debts may be forwarded to the board of fire and police commissioners at the discretion of the chief of police. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 44. Wage Assignment: Wages of any police officer shall not be assignable by wage assignment or otherwise. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 45. Use Of Intoxicants: Members of the police department shall not drink intoxicating liquor while on duty or while they have firearms or weapons in their possession.
Rule 46. Intoxication: No member of the police department shall become intoxicated while off duty or drink excessively which may lead to improper conduct before the public or any time while in uniform.
Rule 47. Altercations: Members of the police department shall refrain from physical altercations, except in line of duty, and shall not maltreat any person or prisoner.
Rule 48. Political Activity: No member of the police department shall engage in political activity contrary to the provisions of the United States Code or during regular working hours or while wearing the uniform or any part of the uniform of a police officer of the police department. No member of the police department shall use or threaten to use the influence or authority of his/her position to coerce or persuade any course of political action. No member of the police department shall be required to work or make contributions in behalf of any political party or any candidate for political office.
Rule 49. Promotion: No officer or member of the police department shall directly or indirectly solicit the support of any person or persons in order to effect his/her promotion. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 50. Game Of Chance: Police officers shall not engage in any games of chance for stakes or wagers while on or off duty. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 51. Uniform: Police officers shall dress in full uniform during their tour of duty and when attending to police business such as court hearings, trial board cases, etc., unless excused by the chief of police. Uniforms shall be worn in a clean, neat appearance at all times.
Rule 52. Uniforms And Specifications: The chief of police shall, from time to time, supply members of the police department with the specifications and the requirements for uniforms and other police equipment. Socks shall be solid black unless otherwise specified by the chief of police. All uniforms shall be inspected and approved by the chief of police.
Rule 53. Purchase Of Uniform From Other Police Officers: Police officers shall not purchase or wear police uniforms of other officers without the approval of the chief of police.
Rule 54. Firearms Purchased And Registered: Police officers, before purchasing firearms, shall procure at headquarters a permit as required by law. Firearms shall be of the official type recommended by the chief of police and after purchase, shall be registered with the police department. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 55. Wearing Of Firearms: Firearms shall be carried in a holster and must be worn in a police manner. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 56. Loss Of Firearms: The loss of firearms by police officers shall immediately be reported, in writing, to headquarters and to the chief of police, giving full details of loss thereof.
Rule 57. Wearing Of Stars; Loss: Police officers, when in uniform, shall wear their star upon the left side of the chest on the outer garment of such uniforms. No shield or unauthorized badge shall be worn on the uniform at any time. Officers shall not trade stars or cap devices with one another, either permanently or temporarily. All members of the police department shall immediately report, in writing, to headquarters and the chief of police, giving full details, the loss of any star or shield, and the same procedure shall be followed in the loss of police commission identification cards.
Rule 58. Equipment Upon Separation: All police officers leaving the police department shall return all department property to the chief of police.
Rule 59. Equipment In Case Of Death: Commanding officers, in case of death of members of the police department, shall take up all city property held by such deceased officer and forward same to the chief of police.
Rule 60. Smoking While In Uniform: Members of the police department shall not smoke while performing official police duties.
Rule 61. Vacations: Each and every member of the police department may be entitled to a vacation from duty according to the vacation schedule as adopted by the city council which shall be known as the "annual vacation". The chief of police shall designate when such vacations shall be taken; provided, however, the chief of police shall have the power to refuse or cancel any vacation absence in the event of any emergency.
Rule 62. Resignation: All members of the police department shall give fifteen (15) days' notice, in writing, to the chief of police, with a copy to the board of fire and police commissioners, of their intention to resign. Any member withdrawing from the police department without proper notice to the chief of police shall be thereafter deemed disqualified to again become a member of the police force.
Rule 63. Other Occupations: Members of the police department shall devote their entire time to the business of the police department if so required. However, other part time occupations might be authorized:
1. Providing part time employment does not interfere in any way with his duties in the police department.
2. That such part time employment shall first be fully explained in writing and approved by the chief of police and the board of fire and police commissioners.
3. Each member in other occupations shall fill out a part time employment questionnaire required by the chief of police and file same with the chief of police as may be required by the board of fire and police commissioners. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 64. Care Of City Property: Police officers shall exercise diligence in their use of city property and shall not, through their carelessness, cause the loss of or do damage to any city property. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 65. Civil Defense: Every member of the police department shall give full cooperation and assistance to our civilian defense program when required by that department or ordered by a superior officer of the police department.
Any member of the police department who, through neglect or any action is guilty of being uncooperative, shall be subject to the disciplinary procedure as defined in the rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 66. Other Rules: In addition to the rules and regulations herein set forth, all laws of the state of Illinois, ordinances of the city, federal statutes and police department rules and regulations pertaining to and affecting police officers and the general rules of the board of fire and police commissioners shall be by this reference rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners and all police officers shall be subject thereto.
D. Powers And Duties:
1. Generally:
Rule 67. General Duties: It shall be the duty of all police officers to enforce all federal and state laws and the ordinances of the city and to perform all duties imposed upon them by the laws of the United States Of America, the state of Illinois, ordinances of the city, rules and regulations of the police department, and rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners of the city.
Rule 68. Duties And Power To Arrest: All members of the police department, when on duty, shall devote their entire time and attention to discharging the duties of a police officer, according to the laws and ordinances of the city and the rules and regulations of the police department. Police officers shall preserve the peace, order and quiet and enforce the laws and ordinances throughout the city. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 69. Force; Exercise Of Discretion: Police officers shall discharge their duties in a discreet and orderly manner. No more force shall be used than is necessary to make arrests. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 70. Prisoners To Court: Police officers shall, without delay, book and arrange to take before a judge all persons arrested by them except where such persons are being held on orders of the chief of police or the commanding officer for investigation.
Rule 71. Notifying Friends: When persons are booked and held, the desk operator shall, when requested, notify prisoner's relatives or friends so that they may obtain bail. Under no circumstances shall police officers or employees of the police department make any charge or accept any fee money or reward for conveying or sending messages of any nature. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 72. Females In Care Of Matrons Or Policewomen: Female prisoners shall, as soon as possible, be placed in the care of matrons or policewomen and shall, while in custody of a police officer, be chaperoned by matrons or policewomen.
Rule 73. Juveniles: Children who come within the jurisdiction of the juvenile law 2 and under the age of twelve (12) shall, under no circumstances, be placed in any cell, prison or other place of confinement. Such children shall be brought to the attention of the police juvenile officer as quickly as possible so that they may be disposed of according to the provisions of the juvenile law.
Rule 74. Searching Prisoners: Police officers shall, before placing persons in a cell, thoroughly search and take all personal property from them and turn same over to the desk clerk who shall give such prisoner a receipt therefor. The arresting officer shall inventory the property taken from the prisoner in the presence of said prisoner. Receipts shall not be given for concealed weapons or property alleged to have been stolen which may be used as evidence. It shall be the duty of the police officer making the search to require the prisoner to sign said receipt. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 75. Property Recovered Not Held As Evidence: All recovered, lost and stolen property shall at once be inventoried on forms provided for that purpose and filed with the chief of police without delay except when held as evidence. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 76. Property Held As Evidence: Property held as evidence shall be inventoried, as required in the previous paragraph. Such property shall be held at police headquarters until the case is disposed of in the courts. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 77. Warrants For Assault Upon Police Officer And Against Police Officer: Police officers shall not apply for warrants for assault upon themselves without reporting the case to the chief of police. Police officers detailed to make warrants shall not draw up complaints or warrants against police officers without first informing the chief of police. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 78. Police Officers: Police officers governed by the rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners shall have such authority as may be granted them by the laws of the state of Illinois, ordinances of the city and federal statutes.
Rule 79. Establish Fire Lines, Protect Recovered Property: Police officers in command at fires shall cause streets, alleys and other places in the vicinity of such fires to be cleared of persons and obstructions. They shall allow no one except firemen, reporters and officials to pass. A space inside of the fire lines shall be reserved for the deposit of salvaged property, and police officers in command shall cause the property to be properly protected.
Rule 80. Ascertain Location And Origin Of Fire: Police officers first arriving at a fire shall, if possible, in all cases, be particular to ascertain the exact location where fires originate. If they believe fires to be incendiary, they shall at once note in their memorandum book all information concerning the origin of the fire which would aid in the investigation thereof and in the prosecution of persons responsible.
Rule 81. Reporting Accidents: When police officers are at the scene of an accident or their attention is called to an accident, they shall, after rendering first aid, apprehend the person or persons who are responsible for the accident. Such officer shall obtain the necessary information concerning said accident and make a full report to headquarters. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
Rule 82. Promptness: Members of the police department shall be prompt in reporting for duty assignment including roll call and court appearance.
2. Commanding Officers:
Rule 83. Subordinates To Be Sustained: Commanding officers shall sustain their subordinates when they have acted within the scope of their authority. Commanding officers shall not censure, ridicule or discipline subordinates in the presence of other members of the police department. When it becomes necessary to criticize or discipline a subordinate, the commanding officer shall notify said subordinate to report at his/her office. Commanding officers shall not be tyrannical in their conduct or use abusive or profane language to subordinates. Commanding officers shall be firm, kind and just, always being mindful that their duties are to enforce the law and not to punish violators. In all cases of insubordination, it shall be mandatory of the superior officer to immediately file a detailed report with the chief of police (3 copies). Failure of a superior officer to comply with this rule shall be considered gross neglect of duty.
Rule 84. Deaths: Commanding officers, in case of death of members of the police department, shall submit to the chief of police a written report stating the time, place, date and cause of death and all circumstances connected therewith listing names and addresses of all witnesses. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 85. Property Accountability: Commanding officers shall be held accountable for the care and condition of all fixed and movable property under their control and for the economical use of supplies. Waste shall not be tolerated. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971)
3. Chief Of Police; Leaves:
Rule 86. Office: The chief of police shall be appointed in accordance with the ordinances of the city 3 . He/she shall supervise the work of the police department, its officers and members. He/she shall have charge of the police station, equipment, books, records and all other property of said police department. Public safety officers 2 shall be under the complete jurisdiction of the chief of police. They shall be subject to all rules and regulations governing the police department.
Rule 87. Duty To Preserve Peace: The chief of police shall enforce all federal laws, laws of the state of Illinois and the city. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 88. General Orders, Special Orders And Personnel Orders: The chief of police may prescribe and establish such general orders, special orders and personnel orders as he/she may deem necessary; provided, however, that all such general orders, special orders and personnel orders must be in accord with these rules and the rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners, and a copy of such general orders, special orders and personnel orders be sent to the board of fire and police commissioners at the time of issuance of same and to the mayor and committee on public safety of the city council.
Rule 89. Instructions: The chief of police shall be responsible for instructing members of the police department in police work. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. 1992 Code; Ord. O-30-93, 10-4-1993; Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 90. Disciplinary Power: The chief of police shall have full power and authority to reprimand or suspend, without pay, any department member for disciplinary purposes for a period of time not to exceed five (5) calendar days in length. The board of fire and police commissioners and the person suspended shall be advised, in writing, by the chief of police of any suspension from duty. Any person so suspended, may appeal to the board of fire and police commissioners for a review of the suspension in writing within five (5) calendar days after such suspension. The board shall be given three (3) copies of the appeal giving full details, and the board shall set a hearing date within thirty (30) days after receipt of such appeal. Upon such appeal, the board may sustain the action of the chief of police, may reverse it with instructions that the officer receive his/her pay for the period involved, or may suspend the officer for an additional period of not more than thirty (30) days or discharge him/her, depending upon the facts presented. (Ord. O-01-94, 2-7-1994; amd. Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
Rule 91. Absence: In cases of absence of the chief of police from the city or in cases of his/her inability to act, then the next officer in command shall have and be permitted, in such cases, to exercise the powers and duties, in discretion, as hereinbefore contained.
Rule 92. Discharge Of Probationers: Probationers in the police department may be recommended for discharge by the chief of police, subject to the approval of the board of fire and police commissioners, at any time during their probationary period which shall be one year from the date of appointment. The chief of police shall make quarterly reports on probationers to the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 93. Annual Report: The chief of police shall file an annual report with the mayor and city council and furnish a copy to the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 94. Register Of Members: The chief of police shall keep a register of all members of the police department with complete information as to the date of birth, nativity, former occupation, dates of appointment and promotion, commendations, reprimands, suspensions, reinstatements, resignation and death and other data as may be required.
Rule 95. Inventory Of Property: The chief of police shall be responsible for maintaining an inventory of all station furniture, equipment and supplies in the police department.
Rule 96. Annual Estimates: The chief of police shall prepare, annually, an estimate of police department requirements and recommendations for the ensuing fiscal year for the mayor and city council.
Rule 97. Absentee Record: Time allowed and lost by members of the police department shall be placed in a file with members' names arranged in order on the form prescribed by the chief of police. This report is to be filled out in all cases of absenteeism regardless of cause. Report shall be made out and sent to the chief of police. If injury or illness is caused in the line of duty, the commanding officer of the officer involved shall also sign the report. If disability prevents absentee from making this report, then the chief of police shall see that this report is forwarded.
Rule 98. Sick Leave: Sick leave with pay shall be credited to all members of the police department at the rate of one work day for each full month of service and shall be accumulated to a maximum sixty (60) working days for one employee.
Rule 99. Efficiency: Efficiency records of members of the police department shall be kept under the supervision of the chief of police. He/she shall evaluate the efficient performance of each member of the police department every six (6) months, and a copy shall be sent to the board of fire and police commissioners.
All acts of commendation shall also be reported to the board of fire and police commissioners and shall remain a part of their permanent record for future reference in promotional examinations, etc.
4. Commander:
Rule 100. General Duties: The commander shall be in command of all police activities while he/she is on duty, subject, however, to the orders of the chief of police. He/she shall be held strictly accountable for the enforcement of all laws, ordinances, police rules and regulations and for the efficient performance of his/her duties prescribed for the subordinates working under him/her.
Rule 101. Discipline And Appearance: The commander shall be held responsible for the discipline and personal appearance of the members of the police department working under him/her.
Rule 102. Police Station: The commander shall be responsible for the cleanliness and sanitary conditions of the police station. Members of the police department shall report to him/her regarding any missing article and he/she shall forward a report to the chief of police in writing giving full details.
Rule 103. Books And Records: The commander shall be held responsible for the proper keeping of all books, records and equipment of the police department. He/she shall promptly forward all reports to the chief of police when requested to do so. He/she shall, from time to time, personally inspect such books and records to familiarize themselves with the contents thereof.
Rule 104. Prisoners And Court Documents: The commander shall be responsible for promptly conveying all prisoners to the court in which they are to be tried. He/she shall have court documents prepared and forward them to the proper persons.
Rule 105. Absence: The duties of the commander shall be performed by the senior sergeant on duty in the absence of the commander. When on leave of absence, his/her duties shall be performed by a sergeant designated by the chief of police as an acting commander.
5. Police Sergeants:
Rule 106. General Duties: Sergeants shall be charged with the enforcement of all laws, ordinances and orders, the prevention of crime and the arrest of offenders. They shall constantly patrol posts with men/women under them as often as possible and enforce the performance of duty. They shall instruct and assist police officers in the performance of their duties.
Rule 107. Bulletin: Sergeants shall familiarize themselves with the contents of the daily bulletin. They shall see that all police officers under their command read a copy of said bulletin and keep posted on all matters contained therein.
Rule 108. Inspection: Sergeants shall inspect all officers going on duty, paying particular attention to their personal appearance, uniforms, revolvers and other police equipment. They shall observe the personal appearance of all officers reporting off duty.
Rule 109. Complaints: Sergeants shall check upon all complaints given to police officers on post duty and see that same are given proper attention.
Rule 110. Daily Reports: Sergeants shall, at the conclusion of their tour of duty, check the police blotter as to its correctness relating to crimes and complaints in their district. They shall report all violations of orders, rules and regulations of the department on the part of police officers working under them.
6. Members Of Special Assignments; Plain Clothes Officers:
Rule 111. General Duties: Patrol officers assigned to citizen's dress or detective duty shall be charged with the enforcement of all laws and ordinances, the prevention of crime and the arrest and prosecution of criminals.
Rule 112. Investigations; Reports: Police officers in citizen's dress shall give prompt and diligent attention to all cases assigned to them and shall report to their commanding officer such information as they secure pertaining to same. They shall keep a memorandum book of all the details of such cases.
Rule 113. Youth Officers: The chief of police is hereby authorized to designate any member of the department as a youth officer. He/she shall have charge of all juvenile offenders or juveniles charged with an offense and shall be under the direction of and subject to all orders of the chief of police.
Rule 114. Police Matrons: Police matrons shall have charge of all female prisoners and shall be under the direction of and subject to all orders of the chief of police.
7. Desk Personnel:
Rule 115. The chief of police shall have the right to hire civilian radio personnel and clerk, by and with the consent of the mayor. Radio operators and other police officers assigned to desk duty shall wear their uniforms and shall remain at the desk during their hours of duty. They shall personally attend to all police business to be transacted at the police desk and shall see that all police business is given prompt attention. They shall familiarize themselves with the state laws and city ordinances.
Rule 116. Records: The desk operator shall make the proper entries in all books, records and reports required to be kept by the orders, rules and regulations of the department. Said records and reports shall be neatly and legibly kept, indexed and promptly filed by said desk operator in such manner as to make them readily obtainable when necessary.
Rule 117. Radio Log: It shall be the duty of the desk operator to keep a radio log on a form prescribed by the chief of police and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the federal communications commission and which shall show the description and location of offenses and the time of such offenses during his/her hours of duty. The desk operator shall enter all complaints received by him/her which require the attention of the police department. Such record shall be a current record and shall contain such other information as may be required by order of the chief of police.
Rule 118. Prisoners: The commanding officer shall at all times have full knowledge of all arrests made and all persons held, whether booked or not. He/she shall be responsible for the safeguarding, care and comfort of prisoners in custody.
Rule 119. Property: The commanding officer shall take charge of and be responsible for the safekeeping of all property turned over to him/her by police officers as well as all property taken from prisoners.
Rule 120. Telephones: Desk operators shall have supervision of all telephone communications. Calls shall be promptly answered and communication transmitted without delay. When answering telephone calls, the name of the desk operator shall be stated.
Rule 121. Complaints: All persons making complaints shall be treated in a courteous and a civil manner. Desk operators shall receive and record complaints and reports submitted to them by all persons. Complaints shall be given to the proper police officers for immediate attention and investigation after proper record has been made in the books of the police department provided for that purpose. Time received and disposition of complaint shall be recorded.
Rule 122. Solicit And Loiter: Desk operators shall not permit persons to solicit business or loiter in or about the police station.
Rule 123. Time Record: Absence from duty shall be posted daily on the desk operator's records, noting the period of time any police officer was absent from duty.
E. Disciplinary Action:
Rule 124. Police Officers: Members of the police department who are found guilty of the violation of any of the rules and regulations of the police department, federal laws, the laws of the state, city ordinances or rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners shall be subject to any of the following penalties to be imposed after a hearing and trial of the charges by the board of fire and police commissioners.
1. Reprimand.
2. Suspension without pay not to exceed thirty (30) days.
3. Demotion (by agreement).
4. Discharge from the police department and the service of the city.
Rule 125. Members To Report Violations: Members of the police department shall report to their commanding officer the violation of any of the rules and regulations of the police department by any other member. Failure to report such violators shall make them accessories to the violation of such rules.
Rule 126. Preferring And Continuance Of Charges: Superior officers shall prefer charges against members of the police department for the violation of the rules and regulations and police orders. All charges shall contain the names and addresses of witnesses, the name and address of the respondent and the charge, the hour, date and location of said violations, all of which shall be in writing. The respondents shall be notified and furnished a copy of said charges and may file an answer to same. Charges, together with the respondent's statements or answer, shall be filed with the secretary of the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 127. Attendance At Trial: Commanding officers preferring charges shall be present when charges are heard by the board of fire and police commissioners.
Rule 128. Service Of Charges: A copy of the charges shall be served upon the respondent by the board of fire and police commissioners, not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for trial. The respondent shall sign his/her name on the duplicate copy of said charges when same are served upon him/her. If he/she cannot be found, a copy of said charges shall be forwarded to him/her by registered or certified mail, and an affidavit shall be made by the party mailing said charges as to how service was made on said defendant. It shall be the duty of all charged officers to acknowledge and make return of signed copy thereof without delay.
Rule 129. Subordinates May Make Complaints: Any member of the police department having a complaint to make against other members of the police department for violation of the rules and regulations as set forth herein by the rules of the fire and police commissioners shall make a signed statement thereof. He/she shall state the rule violated, the date, time and place of said violation and the names of all witnesses and shall file same with the board of fire and police commissioners with a copy to the chief of police.
Rule 130. Complaints Of Citizens Against Members Of The Police Department: All complaints made by citizens against members of the police department for the violation of any of the police rules or regulations or for the violation of any of the rules of the board of fire and police commissioners may be filed in a signed statement with the chief of police. (Res. R-2-71, 1-12-1971; amd. 1992 Code; Ord. O-30-93, 10-4-1993; Ord. O-06-2014, 3-3-2014)
1 | 1. See title 2, chapter 4 of this Code. |
2 | 1. 705 ILCS 405/1-1 et seq. |
3 | 1. See subsection 5-1-2A of this chapter. |
2 | 2. See chapter 2 of this title. |