The following policy shall apply to all employees of the Police and Street Departments and their department heads on an annual basis or more often as may be indicated as reasonable and necessary:
   (a)    Hearing. The determination of hearing acuity loss by an audiometric test of twenty decibels or more for the speech frequencies of 500, 1,000 and 2,000 cycles in either ear of an employee, or the loss of speech reception of phonetically balanced words, at or below ninety percent of normal reception, in either ear of an employee, shall result in the employee being placed on disability until said condition is corrected or until it is determined that said condition is incapable of correction.
   (b)    Vision. The failure of an employee to distinguish red, green or both from other colors, or an employee having a standard visual acuity of less than 20/40 in one eye and 20/100 in the other eye or, with correction, less than 20/20 in one eye and 20/40 in the other eye, shall result in the employee being placed on disability until said condition is corrected or until it is determined that said condition is incapable of correction.
   (c)    Limited Duty; Rehabilitation. The Village shall have an on-going objective of providing limited duty, if available, for employees affected by hearing or vision injuries or illnesses that cause such employee to be eliminated from their duties. If rehabilitation can be accomplished, the employee will be provided an opportunity to return to full active duty.
      (Res. R-96-001. Passed 1-2-96.)