The Village does not tolerate violence within its workplaces. No person employed with the Village shall be the instigator of, or participant in, any of the following:
   (a)    Obscenities, ethnic slurs, or epithets directed toward individuals.
   (b)    Threats of bodily harm or damage to one’s property.
   (c)    Actual bodily harm or damage to one’s property.
   (d)    Callous or intentional disregard for the physical safety or well being of others.
   (e)    Possession of any weapon or the brandishing of any object that could reasonably be perceived as a weapon (police officers and other authorized personnel are exception.)
   (f)    Any other conduct that a reasonable person would perceive as constituting a threat of violence.
   Any such behavior, comments, and/or weapons possession shall be reported immediately to one’s supervisor or department head. Supervisors shall be required to take appropriate, immediate action to curtail any such behavior or comments. Any known weapon possession or potentially serious violent situations shall be reported immediately by the supervisor to the Police Department.
   Violations of this policy will lead to immediate disciplinary action up to, and including, termination and any appropriate legal action.
(Ord. O-03-018. Passed 5-21-03.)