A leave of absence may be approved by the Mayor under the following conditions:
(a) Leave of absence is always without pay.
(b) Leave of absence may only be granted to regular, full-time employees who have successfully completed their probationary period.
(c) The request for a leave of absence must be in writing from the employee outlining the reasons for the leave.
(d) On any approved leave of absence in excess of one month, the employee shall pay the total premium cost for his medical and life insurance for the duration of the leave. This cost is to be paid in advance of the first month of the leave and prior to each month thereafter or the coverage will be terminated.
(e) Failure to return from a leave of absence at the specified date will be considered as a resignation.
(f) All approved leaves of absence shall be confirmed in writing to the employee by the Mayor with a copy to the employee's file.
(g) Vacation and sick leave do not accrue on a leave of absence in excess of one month. Vacation allowance is paid at the time of departure on the amount unused and accrued. Any sick days accumulated prior to the leave may be reinstated immediately upon return.
(h) Re-employment, if applicable, should be part, or the condition of, the leave of absence. If not, the employee is subject to the availability of employment at the time of his or her requested return. Employees returning from military service are subject to the Veterans Re-employment Rights Act.
(i) There are several types of leaves of absence. They include:
(1) Medical: Time away from the job because of accident or illness not covered by sick leave.
(2) Self Improvement: Schooling.
(3) Personal: Time needed to handle personal problems.
(Ord. O-03-018. Passed 5-21-03.)