An employee shall be given necessary time off without loss of pay when performing jury duty, appearing in court as a witness in answer to a subpoena, in an official capacity in connection with the Village or as an expert witness either because of professional or observed knowledge, performing emergency civilian duty in connection with national defense, and for the purposes of voting when the polls open at least two hours before or after the employee's scheduled hours of work. An employee must notify his or her supervisor five days prior to jury duty or service date. Any compensation received while on civil leave will be deducted from the employee's pay. If jury pay is higher than that paid by the Village, the employee is permitted to keep the difference. If the employee is on vacation or personal leave, he or she is allowed to keep the pay.
If an employee is involved in court in a personal case either as plaintiff or as defendant in a suit not resulting from his duties with the Village, he or she may be granted leave without pay unless the employee elects to utilize any available vacation time.
(Ord. O-03-018. Passed 5-21-03.)