“Active Pay Status” includes time on duty, vacation leave, sick leave, holidays, and other paid leave.
“Appeal” means the response of an employee to the decision made based on a disciplinary action.
“Appointing Authority” means the person or agency that, based on the Ohio Revised Code, has the authority to employ persons to perform the required duties of the office or agency. Included is the companion authority to dismiss, promote and other normal activities.
“Classification” means a group of positions that involve similar duties and responsibilities, require similar qualifications, and which are properly designated by a common descriptive title indicating the general nature of the work. A class may include only one position in some circumstances.
“Discipline” means an action taken against an employee by the supervisor or management as the result of an employee's lack of adherence to rules and procedures of the organization and the community.
“Exempt Employee” means employees not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime provisions and do not receive either pay or compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay.
“Employer” means the Council, or the designee of the Council specifically authorized to make policy decisions on their behalf.
“Full Time Employee” means an employee who works a minimum of 40 hours in a standard workweek.
“Grievance” means an action initiated by an employee concerning work rules, policies, or procedures.
“Immediate Family”. The immediate family of an employee includes the employee's spouse, child, parent, grandparent, brother or sister, mother or father in-law, son or daughter in- law, as well as step-son, stepdaughter, step-mother, step-father, step-brother, and step-sister.
“Non-Exempt Employee” means employees who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime provisions, and can receive pay or compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay.
“Part Time Employee” means an employee who works less than 40 hours in a standard workweek.
“Personnel Policies and Procedures” means the rules and regulations governing the day to day relationships between employer and employee, and which explain the privileges, benefits, and rights of the employee as well as the responsibilities of the employer.
“Probationary Period” means the period of time at the beginning of employment or following a promotion which constitutes a trial period for the employee in order to ascertain his or her suitability.
“Safety Personnel” means uniformed employees in the Police and Fire Departments.
“Seasonal or Temporary Employee” means an employee working for a brief period of time or on a specified project that has a termination date.
“Supervisor” means an individual who has been authorized by the Village Council to oversee and direct the work of lower employees on a daily basis.
“Workweek” means seven consecutive 24-hour periods, i.e., 168 consecutive hours, designated by the employer.
(Ord. O-03-018. Passed 5-21-03.)