Ordinances and Resolutions
113.01    Posting places.
113.02    Numbering system.
Publication where no newspaper printed - see Ohio R.C. 701.04
Adoption and style - see Ohio R.C. 715.03, 731.17 et seq.
Subject and amendment - see Ohio R.C. 731.19
Authentication - see Ohio R.C. 731.20
Publication in book form - see Ohio R.C. 731.23
Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
Posting - see Ohio R.C. 731.25
Initiative and referendum - see Ohio R.C. 731.28 et seq.
Emergency measures - see Ohio R.C. 731.30
Codified Ordinances - see ADM. Ch. 101
Fees for services performed by Village employees - see ADM. 107.03