The publication of ordinances, proclamations, notices and reports required by law or ordinance to be published shall be published by posting copies thereof in the following public places in the Village, as required by Ohio R.C. 731.25:
(a)    Orlando's Golden Dawn, 6277 S. Main St.
(b)    Krays’ Co., Inc., 6560 S. Main St.
(c)    Dusty and Steve's service station, 2705 E. Center St.
(d)    North Kingsville Post Office, 2716 E. Center St.
(e)    North Kingsville Municipal Building, 3541 E. Center St.
(Ord. 143.417. Passed 5-7-84; Ord. O-93-029. Passed 8-2-93; Ord. O-01-035. Passed 5-7-01; Ord. O-19-018. Passed 7-1-19.)