Rule 1. Organization.
(a) At the first meeting in January of each year, Council shall immediately proceed to elect a President Pro-Tem from its own number, who shall serve until the first meeting of Council in January of the next year.
(b) At such meeting, the Mayor shall appoint the following standing committees of Council for the year.
(1) Fire, Police, and Rescue.
(2) Finance.
(3) Laws and Ordinances.
(4) Campground and Parks.
(5) Golf course.
(6) Lands, Buildings and Utilities.
(7) Street Department.
(c) The Mayor shall appoint such other committees as Council shall direct.
Rule 2. Mayor.
(a) At the first regular meeting in January of each year and at such other times as he or she may deem expedient, the Mayor shall report to Council concerning the affairs of the corporation and recommend such measures as he or she deems proper.
(b) The Mayor shall be the President of Council and conduct the meetings. He or she shall preserve order and decorum, prevent reflections and confine members in debate to the question. He or she may, in common with any other member, call any member to order who shall violate any of these Rules. He or she shall decide all questions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to Council on demand of two members. On such appeal there shall be no debate, but the members making the appeal may briefly state their reasons for the same. The Presiding Officer shall have the same right to similar brief statements.
(c) The Mayor shall perform all duties prescribed by the ordinances and resolutions of the corporation and the laws of the State of Ohio.
Rule 3. Clerk of Council and Fiscal Officer.
(a) The Clerk of Council shall attend all meetings of Council and keep a record of its proceedings and of all rules, regulations, resolutions and ordinances passed or adopted and shall perform other such duties as are prescribed by law.
(b) In case of the absence of the Clerk of Council, the Fiscal Officer shall perform his or her duties for the period of such absence.
(c) The Fiscal Officer shall be the financial officer of the corporation. He or she shall demand all monies due the corporation and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by law.
(d) The Fiscal Officer shall report to Council monthly or as requested by Council.
Rule 4. President Pro-Tem.
When the Mayor is absent from the Village or is, for any cause, unable to perform his or her duties, the President Pro-Tem of Council shall become the Acting Mayor and shall have the same powers and shall perform the same duties as the Mayor.
Rule 5. Cemetery Trustees.
At the first regular meeting of Council each year, the Cemetery Trustee shall report in writing to Council regarding the number of lots sold, to whom sold and the amount received therefrom during the preceding year. They shall report on whether the funds, if any, are invested, on the amount and character of the securities and on such other matters as Council deems expedient.
Rule 6. Street Commissioner.
(a) The Street Commissioner shall perform such duties as are prescribed by law.
(b) He or she shall attend the meetings of Council and report concerning matters in his or her department as Council deems expedient.
Rule 7. Marshal (Chief of Police).
(a) The Marshal shall perform such duties as are prescribed by law.
(b) He or she shall attend the meetings of Council and shall report concerning matters in his or her department as Council deems expedient.
Rule 8. Regular Meetings.
(a) Regular meetings of Council shall be held in its Chambers on the first Monday of each month and the third Wednesday of each month. All meetings shall commence at 7:00 p.m. All dates and times of Council meetings shall be subject to change due to emergencies, provided that proper notice of said change of meeting is given to the public according to law.
(b) Whenever a regular meeting of Council occurs on a legal holiday, Council shall meet on the day following at the place and hour fixed in subsection (a) hereof.
(c) A majority of all the members elected shall be a quorum to do business at a regular meeting, but a lesser number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as are prescribed by ordinance.
(d) No member shall be required to stay in the Council Chambers longer than one-half hour after the time Council stands adjourned, unless there is a quorum present and Council is called to order. If any member leaves the Council Chambers after he or she has waited for more than one-half hour after the time Council stands adjourned for a quorum to be present, and thereafter enough members arrive to constitute a quorum, Council shall not proceed with business without first notifying such member and giving him or her sufficient time to be present.
Rule 9. Procedure at Regular Meetings.
(a) The President shall take the chair at the hour to which Council stands adjourned from the preceding meeting. He or she shall call Council to order and the order of business shall be as follows:
(1) Roll call of Council and officers.
(2) Readings and disposition of Journal.
(3) Reports and communications from officers and directors of departments.
(4) Mayor's report.
(5) Reports of standing committees and action thereon in regular order.
(6) Reports of special committees and action thereon.
(7) Third reading of ordinances and resolutions.
(8) Second reading of ordinances and resolutions.
(9) Reading and disposition of bills approved by the Finance Committee.
(10) Miscellaneous business.
(11) Communications from the Mayor, citizens, petitions and remonstrances.
The President may at any time permit a member to introduce an ordinance, motion or resolution out of the regular order for the same, provided that Council consents thereto.
(b) The agenda for the second meeting each month shall be as follows:
(1) Call to order.
(2) Pledge of Allegiance.
(3) Roll call.
(4) Public statements.
(5) Clerk-Treasurer's report.
(6) Committee reports and discussion.
(7) Mayor's report and discussion.
(8) Ordinances and resolutions.
(9) Motions.
(10) Public statements.
(11) Adjournment.
(c) No member shall leave the Council Chambers while Council is in session without permission granted by Council, and any member leaving without first obtaining such permission shall be deemed guilty of contempt and shall be punished therefor as provided in Rule 11.
(d) Each member shall speak from his or her own desk and shall speak only twice on the same motion except with the unanimous consent of Council. He or she shall speak no longer than five minutes at one time without consent and shall not speak more than once until every member has had an opportunity to speak on the same question. No member shall be interrupted while speaking except to be called to order or to be asked a question if he or she consents.
(e) When a motion is made and seconded, the motion shall be repeated by the President before any debate shall be in order.
(f) Motions and amendments thereto may be withdrawn by the mover thereof at any time before a decision if the majority of members present consent.
(g) Any member may call for the division of a question and the President may direct the same. In such case, the President shall decide whether such question is divisible so that each question will stand as an entire question.
(h) When demanded by any member, the vote on the passage of any ordinance or resolution or any other question or proposition submitted to the vote of Council shall be by yes's and no's and recorded by the Clerk. Before announcing the result of the vote by the President, the Clerk shall announce the votes so taken on demand by any member. Every member shall vote on every question unless excused by the unanimous consent of Council. Any member not being excused from voting, refusing to vote on a question shall be guilty of contempt and may be punished as set forth in Rule 11.
(i) No ordinance or resolution shall be passed by Council without the concurrence of a majority of all members elected thereto and the vote on its passage shall be by yes's and no's and entered on the Journal.
(j) An ordinance or resolution may be amended at any time, but if amended after its second reading, it shall again be read as the second reading and laid over for further and final action.
(k) When a question or proposition is before Council and before a final vote thereon, no motion shall be introduced except the following and such motion shall take precedence in the order in which such motions herein appear:
(1) Adjourn.
(2) Lay on the table.
(3) For the previous question.
(4) Postpone to day certain.
(5) Commit.
(6) Amend.
(7) Postpone indefinitely.
(8) Division of question.
(l) A motion to adjourn, lay on the table, take from the table or for the previous question shall be decided without debate.
(m) A motion to take from the table shall be in order when that order of business is being transacted in which the matter was laid on the table. The mover may briefly state his or her reasons for the motion.
(n) No money shall be appropriated except by ordinance. All ordinances for the appropriation of money or the issuance of bonds, and all ordinances and resolutions for the transfer of money to any fund or the payment of claims, shall have the approval of the Finance Committee before passage. In the event that such ordinances or resolutions are presented without the approval of the Finance Committee, the matter shall be submitted to Council with the report of the Finance Committee.
Rule 10. Special Meetings.
(a) The Mayor or any three members of Council may call special meetings upon at least twelve hours to each member, served personally or left at his or her usual place of residence. Such notice shall contain the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted at such meeting. Copies of the notice shall be filed with the Clerk and shall contain the time and manner of service and name of the person serving the same endorsed thereon.
(b) The presence of five members of Council shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at a special meeting, and no business shall be transacted unless all members are present.
(c) The Mayor shall direct the Clerk-Treasurer to call the roll. If five or more members of Council are present, the Mayor shall proceed immediately to transact the business for which such special meeting was called. No business shall be transacted except the business for which the meeting was called and any other business of an emergency nature.
(d) Except as otherwise specified, the rules applicable at regular meetings shall apply at special meetings.
Rule 11. Penalty.
Council, by a majority vote of its members, may censure a member of Council who is guilty of contempt or disorderly conduct and may expel a member and declare his or her seat vacant in the manner provided by law.
(Ord. 182. Passed 4-6-42; Ord.838. Passed 7-12-67; Ord. 143.404. Passed 2-6-84; Res. R-96-053. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. O-97-024. Passed 8-4-97; Res. R-98-042. Passed 9- 16-98; Ord. O-00-002. Passed 2-16-00; Ord. O-00-005. Passed 4-3-00; Ord. O-01-005. Passed 1-17-01; Ord. O-22-008. Passed 3-7-22; Ord. O-22-009. Passed 3-7-22.)