A.   Forms: Application shall be made in writing, on forms provided by the Building and Zoning Officer, and signed by the owner or authorized agent. (1977 Code § 4-2-2; amd. 2004 Code)
   B.   Contents Of Application: The following information shall accompany and be part of the application:
      1.   Description: Descriptive material, in drawn and written form, as to location and design of buildings, structures, topographical and site grading plan, driveways, water supply systems, sewage disposal system, plumbing and electrical installations, as required by the Building and Zoning Officer, Village Health Officer and Village Engineer to assure compliance with the rules and regulations of this title, the provisions of the building code, and any other provisions of the Village code.
      2.   Plat Of Survey:
         a.   For new construction, one copy of a plat of survey of the subject property shall be prepared and certified by a licensed Illinois land surveyor in accordance with section 1270.56 minimum standards of practice of the Illinois professional land surveyor act of 1989, latest edition. This shall include identifying and labeling dimensions of and to existing improvements on the subject property.
         b.   For building additions or expansions, one copy of a plat of survey of the subject property shall be prepared and certified by a licensed land surveyor in accordance with section 1270.56 minimum standards of practice of the Illinois professional land surveyor act of 1989, latest edition. This shall include identifying and labeling dimensions of and to existing improvements on the subject property. When determined by the Building and Zoning Officer that such a plat of survey is not essential to accurately ascertain compliance with all zoning regulations of the Village based on visual observation or other available information, this requirement may be waived by the Building and Zoning Officer.
      3.   Site Plan:
         a.   Five (5) copies of a site plan drawn to scale in accordance with an accurate plat of survey shall be provided. Site plan shall show all existing and proposed buildings and structures, topography, driveways, water supply systems, sewage disposal systems, stormwater management measures, soil and erosion control measures, etc., as required by the Village Building and Zoning Officer, Village Health Officer and Village Engineer to assure compliance with the applicable Village codes and ordinances.
         b.   Site plan shall be prepared, signed, sealed and certified by an Illinois licensed professional engineer.
         c.   When determined by the Village Building and Zoning Officer, Village Health Officer or Village Engineer that a site plan is not essential to assure compliance with the applicable codes and ordinances, this requirement may be waived.
         d.   The base plan which includes existing topographic information, physical features and other information shall be computer generated to enhance accuracy. An electronic copy and four (4) prints shall be provided upon request of the Village.
      4.   Construction Plans And Specifications:
         a.   Three (3) copies of construction plans drawn to scale and specifications shall be provided. Plans shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and shall show and describe in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the applicable codes and ordinances.
         b.   Construction plans shall be prepared, signed, sealed and certified by an Illinois licensed architect or structural engineer.
         c.   Plans may be waived for minor alterations not involving structural changes and for residential accessory buildings or structures not over one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area, if sufficiently described in the application for permit. (Ord. 1200, 2-23-2011)
   C.   Fees: Fees shall be submitted with the application in accordance with the provisions of section 8-3-5 of this chapter.
   D.   Changes:
      1.   The permit may be amended during the course of work.
      2.   Alterations and additions after completion require another permit. (1977 Code § 4-2-2)
   E.   Waiver Of Protection Of Copyright Laws: Any architect, engineer, draftsman or other person who, on or after May 1, 2016, files or delivers plans, drawings or specifications in support of an application for a village permit for any construction or remodeling, or delivers such plans, drawings and specifications to any person who files the same for such village permit, is deemed to have irrevocably agreed that the village of North Barrington may copy and deliver copies of such plans, drawings and specifications to the then owner or any future owner of such property, and such architect, engineer or draftsman is deemed to have waived any and all claims for statutory or common law copyright protections as to such delivery by the village to any such owner. Upon request and upon payment of the appropriate fee imposed by the village, if any, the then current owner from time to time, or any prior owner, of any real estate in the village shall be entitled to review and to secure a copy of, all plans, drawings and specifications filed with the village on or after May 1, 2016, relating to any construction or improvements on said real estate, notwithstanding any statement or claim on or associated with such plans, drawings and specifications that such plans, drawings and specifications are protected against copying and disclosure by the copyright laws of the United States or any state thereof, whether based upon any statute or common law. (Ord. 1282, 3-30-2016)