(A) Streets and Roads.
(1) Purpose. In order to provide for streets of suitable location, width, and improvement to accommodate expected traffic and afford satisfactory access to police, fire fighting, snow removal, sanitation, and road maintenance equipment, and to coordinate street development so as to compose a convenient system, avoid undue hardships to adjoining properties and assure compatibility with long range comprehensive plans, all streets shall be designed according to the standards set forth in these regulations. In designing and approving subdivision streets, the following factors shall receive consideration:
(a) Safety for all vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
(b) Efficient ability of the roadway and related facilities to accommodate the modes of transportation it is anticipated to serve including, but not limited to, pedestrians, passenger cars, buses, emergency services and freight;
(c) Livability or amenities as affected by traffic elements in the circulation system;
(d) Economy of both construction and use of land.
(2) Applicability. Design of major collector and arterial streets shall require special design and approval by the City Engineer. The following design guidelines are specifically intended for streets within the subdivision, for example, minor collectors and locals. Standards for each classification are found in the Noblesville Standards.
(3) General Provisions.
(a) Conformance with thoroughfare plan, existing development, and natural features.
1. All streets shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of thoroughfares and dedicated rights-of-way, as established in the Comprehensive Master Plan.
2. All thoroughfares shall be properly related to special traffic generators such as industries, business districts, schools, churches, and shopping centers; to population densities; and to the pattern of existing and proposed land uses.
3. Minor or local streets shall be laid out to conform as much as possible to the topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit efficient drainage and utility systems, and to require the minimum number of streets necessary to provide convenient and safe access to property.
(b) Public Streets Required. All arterial and collector streets, as shown on the Official Noblesville Thoroughfare Plan Map, a part of the Comprehensive Master Plan shall be dedicated to the public. Local streets may be private streets and shall meet the current adopted Noblesville Standards for local streets including right-of-way width, pavement width, pavement construction, etc., and additional requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance. All private streets shall be inspected by the Engineering Department for compliance with the Unified Development Ordinance and Noblesville Standards.
(c) Frontage on Improved Roads Required. No subdivision shall be approved unless the area to be subdivided shall have frontage on and access from an existing street or a street shown upon a plat approved by the Planning Commission and recorded in the County Recorder of Deeds' office. The street or highway must be suitably improved as required by this Division, or be secured by a performance bond required under the regulations of this chapter.
(d) Improvement of Noblesville Thoroughfares. Wherever the area to be subdivided is to utilize existing road frontage, the road shall be suitably improved as required by the City Engineer and approved by the Plan Commission. Whenever a proposed subdivision borders an existing roadway, which is depicted on the adopted Noblesville Thoroughfare Plan, the developer shall be required to improve said roadway(s) in accordance with the Noblesville Standards Sheet 2 - Right of Way. The reconstruction or widening of such street as a condition of plat approval and additional dedication of right-of-way may also be required. Acceleration/deceleration lanes and passing blisters shall be constructed for all new developments directly adjacent to a primary arterial, secondary arterial, major collector, commercial collector or INDOT right-of-way.
(e) Subdivisions Abutting Arterials, Expressways, and Collectors. Applicants may install a significant landscape and mounding treatment in order to visually screen the backyards and the first floor elevation of the exterior of homes on lots which abut such thoroughfares. Applicants shall provide elevation drawings of the typical section of the proposed mounding and landscaping treatment along with the common and scientific names and plant sizes at the time of planting and maturity of the plant species to be provided as a part of the subdivision application. The mound shall be a minimum height at the peak of four feet and shall be planted as per the requirements of §§ 159.180 through 159.190. An opaque fence or wall may be used in combination with the landscaping and mounding subject to the approval of the Plan Commission.
(f) Half Streets. Half streets shall be prohibited except where unusual circumstances make such a facility necessary to the reasonable development of a tract in conformance with these regulations and where satisfactory assurance for dedication of the remaining part of the street is provided. Whenever a tract to be subdivided borders on an existing half or partial street, the other part of the street shall be dedicated within such tract.
(g) Continuation of Streets and Dead End-Streets.
1. Continuation of Streets (Stub Streets). Streets in new subdivisions should extend to the boundary line of the parcel to provide for the future extension of said streets into adjacent areas when the continuation is necessary for convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection, for efficient provision of utilities, and where the continuation is in accordance with the Thoroughfare Plan. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and the street must temporarily be a dead-end street, the right-of-way shall be extended to the property line. A temporary T- or L-shaped turnabout shall be provided on all temporary dead-end streets, with the notation on the subdivision plat that land outside the normal street right-of-way shall revert to abutters whenever the street is continued. The Planning Commission may limit the length of temporary dead-end streets in accordance with the design standards of these regulations.
2. Permanent Dead-End Streets (Cul-De-Sacs).
a. Where a road does not extend beyond the boundary of the subdivision and its continuation is not required by the Planning Commission for access to adjoining property, its terminus shall be in a cul-de-sac turnaround. Permanent dead-end streets (cul-de-sacs) shall not be longer than 600 feet. The minimum radii for cul-de-sacs shall be as follows:
Use Type | Right-of-Way (ft.) | Center of Cul-de-Sac to Back of Curb (ft.) |
Residential | 54 | 40 |
Commercial | 54 | 50 |
Industrial | 54 | 50 |
b. Wherever a minor collector street serves exclusively an industrial or commercial area, a cul-de-sac may be allowed and the length may be increased to 1,000 feet. This special provision shall be allowed only in areas which have a difficult access or are otherwise unsuitable for normal subdividing. However, a 48-foot pavement width shall be required in all cases under this special provision.
c. All streets to be terminated on a temporary basis shall be constructed with a turnaround. The turnaround shall be constructed beyond all lots intended for development. In a development which is not phased, the turnaround shall be developed in a way that will not preclude the future extension of the road.
(h) Guidelines for Street Location and Arrangement in Commercial/Industrial Areas.
1. Alleys shall be provided in multiple dwelling or commercial subdivisions unless other provisions are made for service access and off-street loading and unloading. Dead-end alleys shall be prohibited.
2. In business and industrial developments, the streets and other accessways shall be planned in connection with the grouping of buildings, location of rail facilities, and the provision of alleys, truck loading and maneuvering areas, and walks and parking areas so as to minimize conflict of movement between the various types of traffic, including pedestrian.
(i) Maintenance of State Road 37 Right-of-Way. For all new development abutting the right-of-way of SR37, the developer shall request that the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) remove any existing fence in said right-of-way. Thereafter, said right-of-way shall be maintained in good condition, along with other exterior spaces on the premises, by the abutting property owner.
(j) Right-of-way pavement widths refer to Noblesville Standards - Sheet 2 Right of Way.
(4) Street Design Standards and Guidelines.
(a) Design Traffic Volumes. The design hourly volume (DHV) or average daily traffic (ADT) is the accepted basis for design. In rural areas, the Engineer of appropriate jurisdiction may amend the design standards as determined by traffic demand analysis. However, the traffic volume does not always determine the type of curves to be used in designing low volume residential local and minor collector streets. Traffic volumes are a major factor to be considered for streets serving commercial and industrial areas, and the Engineer of appropriate jurisdiction is required to give special attention to these areas.
(b) Design Speed. Design speeds are a factor for urban residential local and minor collector design. In general, the same rule can be applied to rural low volume roads in subdivision design. The sight distances and curve radii are to be commensurate with average acceptable design speeds as indicated by the Indiana Design Manual.
(c) Vertical Grades. Drainage design may become critical where grades exceed 4%. For this reason, grades lower than the suggested tabular values are encouraged. Commercial and industrial streets shall be held to a maximum grade of 4%. Residential streets shall in no case exceed the tabular values. In order to provide for proper drainage, the minimum grade should be held to 0.5%. The maximum grade on the approach leg of any intersection shall not exceed 5% in hilly terrain and 2% in level terrain.
(d) Super Elevation.
1. It should be considered in commercial and industrial areas and for collector streets where operating speeds may exceed 30 to 35 miles per hour. Where super elevation is used, street curves should be design for a maximum elevation rate of:
A. Urban: 0.04 to 0.06 foot per foot.
B. Rural: 0.08 to 0.12 foot per foot.
2. Super elevation shall only be used when the designer has demonstrated that the property horizontal curvature for the appropriate design speed and the regulatory speed limit cannot be attained. Where super elevation is not provided within residential areas, the proper signage shall be provided with the appropriate advisory speed supplemental plaque.
(e) Horizontal Alignment. Minimum centerline radii for horizontal curves shall be 225 feet. The minimum tangent distance between reverse curves shall be:
1. Minimum centerline radii for horizontal curves shall be:
A. Arterial/major collector: Per Indiana Design Manual;
B. Commercial/industrial collector/ residential minor collector: 225 feet;
C. Residential local (serves less than 50 residences): 150 feet.
2. The minimum tangent distance between reverse curves shall be:
A. Arterial/major collector: Per Indiana Design Manual;
B. Commercial/industrial collector: 200 feet;
C. Residential minor collector: 150 feet;
D. Residential local (serves less than 50 residences): zero feet.
E. Special design exceptions for these requirements may be granted for roundabout design. Minimum design speeds and regulatory speed limits for the applicable roadway section shall apply. The use of spiral and compound curves is prohibited.
(f) Intersections.
1. Intersections, including median openings, should be designed with adequate intersection sight distance. The recommended minimum intersection sight distance shall be determined from the Indiana Design Manual related to intersection sight distance based on the roadway design speed or posted speed limit. In order to maintain these distances, the engineer of appropriate jurisdiction or the Technical Advisory Committee may recommend regulations to restrict the height of embankment, location of buildings and screening fences and landscaping, and other provisions necessary for intersection sight control.
2. The minimum intersection angle shall be 75 degrees.
3. Closely spaced offset intersections are undesirable. The minimum intersection centerline offset (jog) for the following intersections shall be:
A. Residential - local/commercial/industrial collectors with residential – local/commercial/industrial collectors: 150 feet;
B. Arterial/major collector with any drive, public or private: Intersection sight distance (ISD) shall be determined using the design speed for the affected roadways. Intersection sight distance shall be analyzed and meet the requirements for Intersection Sight Distance in Chapter 46, Intersections at Grade of the Indiana Design Manual for all driveways and intersections. Vision corner clearance for all intersections and drives shall also meet the requirements of § 159.120(H). The location for all sight distance evaluations shall be from the estimated location of the driver while the design vehicle is stopped at the required yield point. If the location has no defined yield point, the established yield point for the vehicle shall be the right-of-way line. Driveways, entrances, or streets not meeting this section shall have movements restricted or the entrance relocated.
4. To accommodate transitional tapers, turning lanes, and other potential roadway design requirements where needed, the engineer of appropriate jurisdiction may recommend longer offsets.
5. Throating or center median curb may be required for all drives, public or private, which connect to a major collector or arterial to prevent queuing within the right-of-way. If the distance from the edge of traveled way to the nearest edge of drive is equal to or less than the values below, the entry drive of street shall be throated or provided with center curb.
A. Arterials: 100 feet;
B. Major collectors: 75 feet; and
C. Minor collector, commercial/industrial, local: zero feet.
6. The minimum curb return radius at local streets shall be 15 feet and at residential collector streets 20 feet. The desirable radius is 25 to 30 feet, respectively. On commercial and industrial streets, the radius shall be 30 feet, except where traffic conditions may warrant a smaller radius.
7. No intersection shall be constructed with more than four approach legs, and the development of three legged "T" intersections is encouraged due to the increased safety of such intersections.
(g) Auxiliary Lanes. Refer to the Noblesville Standards - Sheet 2 Right of Way.
(a) General Requirement. Streets shall be completed to grades shown on plans, profiles, and cross-sections approved by the City Board of Public Works. Minimum cross section standards and Geometric Design Standards are found in the Noblesville Standards - APPENDIX F.
(b) Classification of Streets; Right-of-Way and Pavement Widths. Minimum street right-of-way widths and pavement widths shall be as illustrated in the Noblesville Standards Sheet 2 - Right of Way.
(c) Pavement Surfacing. The street surface shall be of Portland cement concrete or a flexible pavement and shall be constructed in accordance with design characteristics at least equal to those in the Noblesville Standards Sheet 3 - Pavement, Curbs, Sidewalk Details and Notes.
(6) County Streets and Roads. For streets and roads in subdivisions under the jurisdiction of Hamilton County, design and improvement standards shall be as provided in the Hamilton County Standards for Construction of Road Improvements.
(7) Curb and Gutter. Curb and gutter shall be placed according to grades shown on plans, profiles, and crosssections as shown in the Noblesville Standards - Sheet 3 Pavement, Curb and Sidewalk Details and Notes. They shall be constructed with plain Portland cement concrete and in the manner shown for the integral or combined curbs, except in the case of arterial streets where the separate curb may be required. Roll curbs may be used in residential streets when the distance between the back of the curb and the nearest edge of a sidewalk is four feet or more.
(B) Alleys.
(1) The minimum right of way of an alley, if provided, shall be 16 feet.
(2) Alleys shall be paved full width to minimum local road standards.
(3) Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided, but where necessary, corners shall be cut off sufficiently to permit safe vehicular movement.
(4) Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities at the end, as determined by the Planning Director.
(C) Sidewalks and Pedestrian Access.
(1) Sidewalks and Trails Required. Sidewalks shall be provided by the developer on both sides of all streets, except that in the SR District, when such requirement may be waived by the Plan Commission.
(2) Location. Where provided, sidewalks shall be included within the dedicated non-pavement right-of-way, and shall be placed according to the grades shown on plans, profiles, and cross-sections as illustrated in the Noblesville Standards.
(3) Dimensions; Improvement Standards.
(a) All proposed sidewalks shall be constructed of width and thickness as illustrated in the Noblesville Standards or as required by the Noblesville Alternative Transportation Plan.
(b) All proposed sidewalks shall be a minimum of five feet in width or as per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(c) The maximum Design Cross Slope shall not exceed 1.5% as per the INDOT Design Standards.
(4) Responsibility. The applicant is responsible for the installation of the initial sidewalks or trails including replacement or necessary repairs, if there is an existing sidewalk or trail.
(5) Pedestrian Walkways. Pedestrian walkways may be required through the center of blocks more than 800 feet long where deemed essential by the Plan Commission to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, or other community facilities. Pedestrian walkways, where required, shall have easements at least ten feet in width which shall be indicated on the plat. Pedestrian walkways shall otherwise be constructed in accordance with the regulations for sidewalks, above.
(D) Street Names and Numbers, Street Signs, and Traffic Control Devices.
(1) Street Names and Numbers.
(a) Street names shall not duplicate any existing name within the area covered by these regulations except where a new street is a continuation of an existing street. Street names that may be spelled differently but sound the same as existing streets shall not be used. The Plan Commission shall have secondary authority to name all streets in the case of conflict upon recommendation of the Technical Advisory Committee at the time of primary plat approval.
(b) The street numbering system for any property shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Development.
(2) Street Signs. The applicant shall fund the installation of street name signs in accordance with Noblesville Standards and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices of Indiana. One sign shall be installed at each intersection indicating the name of each street thereat. Regulatory signs shall also be the responsibility of the applicant. Street name signs shall be lighted or reflectorized.
(3) Warning Signs and Other Devices. The city or county shall be responsible for the installation of all warning signs and other traffic control devices, in accordance with the Noblesville Standards except for those which may be warranted in industrial and commercial areas. In such cases, the developer whose project has increased traffic to the degree that a signal may be warranted may be required to pay the cost of traffic signal installation and interconnection.
(4) Street Lights.
(a) General Guidelines. Street lighting shall be designed so as to provide an appropriate degree of illumination for various activities based on their location along arterial, collector, or local streets and the intensity of the surrounding land uses. This lighting shall be funded by the developer. Illumination guidelines shall be as follows:
Illumination Guidelines | |||
Area to be Illuminated | Commercial1 (footcandles) | Intermediate2 (footcandles) | Residential3 (footcandles) |
Commercial — Business districts with heavy pedestrian traffic at night.
Intermediate — Moderately heavy pedestrian traffic at night for community recreation centers, libraries, neighborhood stores, and the like.
Residential — Predominately residential areas with light pedestrian traffic at night.
(b) Minimum Requirements. At a minimum the applicant shall provide lighting in accordance with the Noblesville Standards Sheet 10 - Street Lighting Guidelines.
(c) Dusk-to-Dawn Lights. If the covenants of the subdivision provide for the installation and maintenance of a free-standing dusk-to-dawn light on each lot. The light standards shall be installed within 25 feet of the edge of the street, shall be uniform in design, and shall be maintained with a bulb of at least 75 watts.
(E) Plans Approved for Acceptance and Dedications.
(1) Change of Plans. Any change in plans of a street from the original plans approved by the Department of Planning and Development and the Department of Engineering, as applicable, must be submitted to the Board of Works & Safety or the Commissioners by the contractor or developer for approval before being constructed.
(2) Acceptance. All work must be acceptable to and meet all of the requirements of the city or county pertaining to maintenance bond. Upon the completion of all improvements and installations as required by this chapter, the developer shall furnish the Board of Public Works or County Commissioners with an engineer's certification that said improvements and installations have been constructed, installed, and completed in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
(3) Samples. The contractor to furnish samples of concrete for testing as required. All concrete specimens shall be made in accordance with AASHO designation T-23, Cylindrical specimen T-22, Beam specimen T-97. The city or county reserves the right to core the slab before accepting. The contractor shall furnish all labor and equipment costs to make all tests.
(4) Specifications. All work and materials to meet the specification requirements of the Noblesville Standards and the Standard Specifications of the Indiana Department of Transportation or other applicable ordinance(s).
(5) Bonds.
(a) City Jurisdiction.
1. Prior to the approval of a proposed plat for subdividing land under the jurisdiction of the city, the person or firm or corporation requesting the approval of said plat shall furnish a performance bond, a certified check, certificate of deposit or irrevocable letter of credit guaranteeing the completion of required infrastructure improvements in the proposed development as set out in the plat tendered for approval. The bond to be in the amount of 110% of the estimated cost of completion of the required public infrastructure improvements and which bond shall guarantee that the infrastructure improvements. (Minimum amount - $1,000)
2. Prior to acceptance of construction and release of the performance surety, the person, firm, or corporation requesting the development shall file a maintenance bond or other accepted surety in the amount equal to 15% of the total construction costs of the required public improvements and which surety shall provide for a period of three years following the release of the performance surety.
(b) County Jurisdiction.
1. Prior to the approval of a proposed plat for subdividing land under the jurisdiction of Hamilton County for residential or business use, the person or firm or corporation requesting the approval of the plat shall furnish a performance bond or approved letter of credit guaranteeing the completion of infrastructure improvements in the proposed development as set out in the plat tendered for approval, the bond to be in the amount as required in the Hamilton County Standards for Construction of Road Improvements and which bond shall guarantee that said infrastructure improvements will be completed not later than two years from the acceptance of the surety.
2. Prior to acceptance of construction and release of the performance surety, the person, firm, or corporation requesting the development shall file a maintenance bond or approved letter of credit in the amount equal to 20% of the construction costs as estimated by the County Engineer and shall provide for a period of three years following the release of the performance surety. The proposed development plat shall set out the specifications for the construction of the road or street. Prior to approval of the plat, the road/street specification shall be approved by the County Highway Engineer.
(Ord. 62-12-95, passed 1-22-96; Am. Ord. 37-8-00, passed 9-11-00; Am. Ord. 25-06-02, passed 7-9-02; Am. Ord. 55-12-02, passed 1-14-03; Am. Ord. 76-9-05, passed 10-11-05; Am. Ord. 89-10-06, passed 11-14-06; Am. Ord. 95-11-06, passed 12-12-06; Am. Ord. 56-11-07, passed 12-11- 07; Am. Ord. 10-03-13, passed 4-9-13; Am. Ord. 32-07-19, passed 7-23-19)