§ 97.50 FEES.
   All funds secured by this chapter shall be appropriated into the non-reverting tree fund. Funds are to be utilized for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations of this chapter.
(Ord. 68-11-90, passed 12-10-90; Am. Ord. 8-3-09, passed 4-28-09)
§ 97.51 GRANTS.
   (A)   The Urban Forester shall prepare all information for submittal to the city grant writer. Approval by the Tree Board, Street Commissioner and Board of Public Works and Safety shall be required before final submittal of any grant application is made to the Common Council for final review of financing.
   (B)   The Urban Forester shall act as the liaison between the grantor and the city grant writer for the purpose of coordinating the grant process.
   (C)   All purchases and expenditures will be processed through the established budget process and submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer’s office through the Street Department using all policies and procedures implemented by the Clerk-Treasurer and federal and state laws.
   (D)   The Urban Forester shall maintain all records involving grant funds for educational programs, maintenance, plantings, disasters or any other program not mentioned.
   (E)   All funds acquired through grant applications or other sources shall be kept in a non-reverting tree fund as stated in §§ 97.04 and 97.50, and disbursed as stated in division (C) of this section.
   (F)   The Noblesville Common Council, when funds are available, shall make an effort to fund the minimum required to match any grant obligations for its approval. In the event no grants are offered during a budget year and grant funds are diminished or unavailable for the next year’s budget the Common Council would budget funds in the amount of a minimum $.25 per resident of the City of Noblesville to ensure the success of the urban forestry program. These funds are to be placed in a line, dedicated to street tree planting, in the Street Department budget. These funds shall be compiled using the most current census. The above is dependent on the availability of funding in the Common Council budget.
(Ord. 68-11-90, passed 12-10-90; Am. Ord. 8-3-09, passed 4-28-09)
§ 97.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   It is unlawful for any person or entity to remove, trim or damage any tree, shrub, or other plant located on city-owned property without obtaining a license to do so. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or who fails to comply with any notice issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, upon taking unlawful action, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $500 per day for each separate offense. Each day during which any violation of the provisions of this chapter shall occur or continue shall be a separate offense. The Board of Public Works and Safety shall determine the amount of fines based on the findings submitted to them by the Urban Forester. Fees for the cost of repair or replacement of such tree, shrub, or other plant located on city-owned property shall be borne by the party in violation. The replacement value of tree and shrubs shall be determined in accordance with the latest revision of the Guide for Plant Appraisal, as published by the International Society of Arboriculture.
   (B)   Loss of city privileges. Any person hired to perform street tree work within the City of Noblesville who demonstrates the inability to follow any provision of this chapter and its requirements may lose his or her license to conduct business in the City of Noblesville.
(Ord. 13-3-90, passed 5-14-90; Am. Ord. 17-4-98, passed 5-24-99; Am. Ord. 8-3-09, passed 4-28-09)