(A) Boundaries. The Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phase 1 and 2 Connection fee district shall be all areas tributary to the Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Phase 1 and 2 District. The tributary area is all land able to be served by the Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phase 1 and 2 District which is generally located at a point beginning on South 13th Avenue East abutting 30-acre park, thence east to SE Beltline Road, thence southeasterly following SE Beltline Road to the point where SE Beltline Road begins to curve from eastbound to southbound, thence northwesterly to the intersection of South 9th Avenue East and East 36th Street South, thence north quite reaching 1st Avenue East, thence west passing across SE Beltline Road, thence south to the point of beginning. Below is Exhibit A, a map dated 8-1-2000 and shows the Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phases 1 and 2 District boundaries.
(B) Fees.
(1) The connection fee to be paid for each sanitary sewer service connection to the Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phases 1 and 2 District shall be the product of the number of units times the single-family equivalent (SFE) times the connection fee for one single-family equivalent. The connection fee for each single-family equivalent connection shall be $300. The single-family equivalent for each type of use shall be the same as set forth in § 52.076(F) of this chapter.
Connection Fee $___________ = (# of units) x SFE x $300
(2) The sewer connection fee shall be paid prior to connection to the sanitary sewer. This sewer connection fee is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any fees for connection required under the Plumbing Code (for example - § 52.075(G)(2) of this chapter - capital cost recovery fee), or other provisions of the municipal code of the city.
(C) Exception to fees.
(1) Division (B) above shall not apply for those properties having already paid for sewer. The land which has already paid for sewer to be served by the Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phases 1 and 2 is generally located within the district and either:
(a) North of South 9th Avenue East and SE Beltline Road; or
(b) North of South 13th Avenue East, west of SE Beltline Road and south of South 9th Avenue East.
(2) The above referenced Exhibit A, a map dated 8-1-2000, which shows the Southeast Interchange Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phases 1 and 2 District boundaries also shows the general area which is exempted from the connection fee.
(2011 Code, § 24.1002) (Ord. 2442, passed 2-19-2024)