(A)   The city in providing sanitary sewer service to properties located within the South Central Sewer Service Area has incurred costs and hereby establishes of a sanitary sewer service connection fee for all existing and proposed developments within the service area boundaries.
   (B)   The boundaries of the South Central Sewer Service Area have been established by the city to optimize the sewer system and minimize the area unserviceable by a public gravity sewer system.
   (C)   The area to be serviced by this public sewer system shall include all properties located north and south of Interstate 80 and lying east of Iowa Highway 14 and west of West 4th Street South described as follows that can be serviced by this gravity sewer:
      (1)   Phase 1 Service Area, south of Interstate 80:
         (a)   Oak Park Estates, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5;
         (b)   Oak Hill, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4;
         (c)   Oak Hill, Plat 2, Lots 1, 2 and 3;
         (d)   Oak Park Estates, Plat 2, Lots 6, 7 and 8;
         (e)   Oak Park Estates, Plat 3, Lot 9;
         (f)   McCabe Place Plat, Lots 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Outlot X;
         (g)   The Subdivision of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West Lots 1 and 2; and the east 466.7 feet of the south 466.7 feet of Lot B;
         (h)   The unplatted property located in the south 1/2 of the NW 1/4 Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West located south of Interstate 80; and
         (i)   That part of the unplatted NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 4 Township 79 North, Range 19 West, lying northwest of a line extending from the southeast corner of Oak Park Estates to a point 400 feet east of the southeast corner of Oak Park Estates, Plat 2.
      (2)   Phase 2 Service Area, north of Interstate 80:
         (a)   The unplatted property in the south 1/2 of the NW 1/4, Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West located north of Interstate 80 and south of Denniston Knolls Southwest Subdivision, Plats 1 and 2 and Robinson’s Addition and located east of Denniston Knolls Southwest, Plat 8;
         (b)   The south 548 feet of the unplatted property located in the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West;
         (c)   The west 500 feet of the unplatted property located in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West located north of Interstate 80;
         (d)   The south 548 feet of the west 675 feet of the unplatted property located in the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West; and
         (e)   The unplatted property located in the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 4, Township 79 North, Range 19 West located north of Interstate 80.
   (D)   The connection fee to be paid for each sanitary sewer service connection to this main shall be the product of the number of units times the single-family equivalent (SFE) times the connection fee for one single-family equivalent.
Connection fee $             = # of units x SFE x $2010
   (E)   The connection fee for each single-family equivalent connection will be $2,010.
   (F)   (1)   The single-family equivalent for each type of use shall be as follows:
Single-Family Equivalents (SFE)
Single-Family Equivalents (SFE)
0.28 per unit
1.14 per each
Day care
0.06 per student
1.4 per duplex
General retail
0.00020 per SF
Motel with restaurant
0.43 per room
Motel without restaurant
0.17 per room
Nursing home
.25 per bed
Office building
0.00014 per SF
Other school
0.06 per student
Public school
0.07 per student
0.3 per seat
Restaurant fast service
0.14 per seat
Single family
1 per unit
0.46 per unit
      (2)   For any proposed use not listed in the above table the single-family equivalent (SFE) shall be determined by the City Engineer from documented water usage for similar uses divided by 350 gallons per day per each single-family equivalent.
   (G)   The connection fee shall be paid to the city before connection is allowed to the public sewer main.
(2011 Code, § 24.0707)