(A) This Subdivision Ordinance is a revision of the Subdivision Ordinance dated April 6, 1972, as amended November 4, 1998 and May 5, 2009. It is based on the land use plan. It contains the criteria for the subdivision of all land within the town and its extraterritorial jurisdiction.
(B) The Subdivision Ordinance is adopted and incorporated by reference as part of this Chapter 154 as fully as if set out at length herein. Please see Appendix B of this Chapter 154 for the Subdivision Ordinance.
(Ord. passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 2019-06, passed 6-13-2019; Ord. 2019-08, passed 9-12-2019)
Section One: In General
1-1 Short title
1-2 Jurisdiction
1-3 Purpose
1-4 Relationship to other ordinance
1-5 Severability
1-6 Repeal of existing subdivision regulations
Section Two: Proper Inclusions and Exceptions
2-1 Subdivision defined
2-2 Exceptions
2-3 Minor subdivisions
2-4 Minor subdivision approval
Section Three: Duty of the Register of Deeds
3-1 Duty of Register of Deeds
3-1.1 The filing or recording
Section Four: Interpretation and Definitions
4-1 Word interpretation
4-2 Tense and number
4-3 Term definition
Section Five: Procedures for Securing Approval of Subdivision Plats
5-1 General
5-2 Sketch plan
5-3 Preliminary plat
5-3.1 Review of the preliminary plat by the Zoning Administrator
5-3.2 Review of the preliminary plat by the Planning Board
5-3.3 Approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning Board
5-3.4 Review and approval of the preliminary plat by the Town Council
5-3.5 Building permits and certificate of occupancy
5-4 Final plat
5-4.1 Final plat content
5-4.2 Review of the final plat by the Zoning Administrator
5-4.3 Approval of the final plat by the Town Council
Section Six: Design Standards
6-1 General provisions
6-2 Specific requirements
6-2.1 Alleys
6-2.2 Blocks
6-2.3 Buffer strips
6-2.4 Building setback lines
6-2.5 Cul-de-sac
6-2.6 Easements
6-2.7 Road grades
6-2.8 Horizontal curves
6-2.9 Road intersections
6-2.10 Lots
6-2.11 Pedestrian walkways
6-2.12 Rights-of-way and pavement widths
6-2.13 Streets
Section Seven: Improvements
7-1 General provisions
7-2 Guarantees
7-2.1 Performance guarantees
7-2.2 Inspection of improvements guarantees
7-3 Requirements
7-3.1 Permanent survey reference markers
7-3.2 Permanent concrete monuments
7-3.3 Steel or iron markers
7-3.4 Electrical and telephone services
7-3.5 Open space reservation for parks, playgrounds or recreational
7-3.5.1 Private ownership of parks and recreation areas
7-3.5.2 Duly recorded instruments
7-3.5.3 Area devoted to parks and recreation
7-3.5.4 Formula for area set aside
7-3.5.5 Criteria for evaluating suitability
7-3.5.6 Fees in lieu of land set aside
7-3.6 Paving and street improvement
7-3.7 Sewage disposal
7-3.8 Sidewalks
7-3.9 Street lights
7-3.10 Street name markers
7-3.11 Trees and preservation of natural environment
7-3.12 Surface water drainage and sedimentation controls
7-3.13 Water supply
7-3.14 House numbers
7-3.15 Other requirements
Section Eight: Administration
8-1 Variances
8-2 Exceptions
8-3 Procedure for exceptions
8-4 No service or permit until final plat approval
8-5 Compliance with the land development and thoroughfare plans, school sites
8-6 Town costs when oversize facilities are required
8-7 Penalty
8-7a Transfer or sell illegal subdivision, Class 2 misdemeanor
8-7b Building permits denied
8-7c Provision to sell plat prior to final plat approval
8-7d Provision to enter into contract to sell approved preliminary plat
Appendix B-1: Suggested certificates
Appendix B-2: Subdivision sketch plan review check list and application
Appendix B-3: Preliminary plat check list
Appendix B-4: Final plat check list