A Zoning Administrator and/or his/her designee (official or officials appointed by the City of Newport, Commonwealth of Kentucky for carrying out the provisions and enforcement of this Ordinance) shall administer and enforce this Ordinance. He may be provided with assistance of such other persons as the City of Newport directs. If the Zoning Administrator finds that any of the provisions of this Ordinance are being violated, he shall take such action as is permitted by law. In addition to the foregoing, the Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to order discontinuance of illegal use of land, buildings, structures, signs, fences, or additions, alterations or structural changes thereto and; discontinuance of any illegal work being done. All questions of interpretation and enforcement shall be first presented to the Zoning Administrator, and that such questions shall be presented to the Board of Adjustment only on appeal from the decision of the Zoning Administrator, and that recourse from the decisions of the Board of Adjustment shall be to the courts as provided by State Statutes, Commonwealth of Kentucky. It shall be illegal for any persons or entity to interfere with the Zoning Administrator's performance of his duties as defined herein.