(A) The City Manager shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget proposal which shall be consistent in form, to the extent practical, with the accounting system of the City.
(B) The annual budget proposal shall provide a complete program and financial plan for the fiscal year which begins July l and ends June 30.
(C) The Chief Financial Officer shall estimate the total of all revenue from all sources, including grants and funds, transfers and fund balances carried forward, available for appropriation.
(D) The annual budget proposal shall detail the spending of money for specified programs, functions, activities or objectives of the City including all principal and interest due on debt. The total of proposed expenditures shall not exceed the total of anticipated revenues and prior year fund balance carried forward.
(E) The annual budget proposal shall include a summary of the budget which need not be itemized further than by principal sources of anticipated revenue and proposed expenditures by program, function, activity or objectives of the City in a manner as to present a simple and clear summary of the detailed estimates of the budget components.
(F) In order to ensure that adequate information is developed in a timely manner and to provide deadlines for adoption, in January of each year a budget calendar will be distributed to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners after it is prepared.
(G) The Chief Financial Officer shall submit financial statements and budget comparisons to the Board of Commissioners at least once every 3 months. The quarterly report shall clearly show revenues to date by each principal source and expenditures by functions (Departmental or program) within each fund.
(H) (1) Appropriations for each fund of the legally adopted budget shall not be exceeded without the adoption of a budget amendment by the Board of Commissioners.
(2) Expenditures within each fund may exceed the budget or a major category account with the written approval of the City Manager as long as the total appropriation for the fund is not exceeded.
(I) The annual budget shall be amended during the year if actual revenues increase or decrease and/or if actual expenditures make it necessary to increase the appropriation level in any fund or major category of expenditure by reducing the appropriation level in another major category of expenditures.
(1995 Code, § 3.04.020) (Am. Ord. O-02-09, passed 2-11-2002)