(A)   Because of the difficulty in being able to supply precise data at the time of approval of the final development plan, it may be necessary to make certain modifications to the final development plan at a later date. Such modifications shall have the recommendation of the Planning Commission and be approved by Council without additional public hearings. Owners of property within 300 feet of the area in question will be mailed notice of the time at which the Council will review the request for modification. This notice will be mailed at least seven days prior to such review by the Council.
   (B)   Modification to the final development plan shall not deter from the general intent and purpose as originally approved by Council. No modification shall be approved that will increase density or intensity, increase the LUI index number, decrease parking and loading areas, reduce useable open space, or reduce distance between structures and the perimeter property line. Any such modifications shall require the zoning district amendment procedures of § 152.158 to be followed.
   (C)   If a modification is approved, the final development plan will be changed to reflect the modification and notice will be sent to the Building Inspection Department and Zoning Inspector.
('80 Code, § 152.161) (Ord. 94-14, passed 7-5-94)