The following procedure shall be followed when applying for a change of zoning district to one of the planned development districts:
   (A)   Submission of application.
      (1)   The owner or lessee of a tract of land may request that the zoning district maps be amended to include such tract in one of the planned development districts. The request shall be made on application forms provided by the village. This amendment shall be processed, noticed, and heard in the manner prescribed in this section.
      (2)   The applicant is encouraged to engage in informal consultations with the staff of the village Planning Commission prior to preparing his plans, it being understood that no statement or representation by a member of the staff shall be binding on the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Submission of development plan. Two copies of the development plan and one 8½ x 11 inch photostat of the development plan shall be submitted with the application and shall include the following in text and map form:
      (1)   The site plan showing the location and arrangement of all proposed structures, the traffic circulation pattern within the development, the areas to be developed for parking, screening, the point of ingress and egress, recreational facilities, and areas to be left in their natural state;
      (2)   The land use intensity, when applicable; the total gross floor area; and the percentage of the development which is to be occupied by structures;
      (3)   When the planned development is to be constructed in stages or units, a schedule for the development of the stages or units shall be submitted;
      (4)   In the case of an office, business, or industrial planned development, a statement showing the exact uses and their location within the planned development;
      (5)   The provisions for common open space or recreational facilities, describing the provision that is to be made for the care and maintenance of such open space or recreational facilities. Copies of the proposed articles of incorporation or by-laws shall be submitted if applicable;
      (6)   Copies of any restrictive covenants that are to be recorded with respect to property included in the planned development, if applicable; and
      (7)   One copy of the preliminary plat, if applicable.
   (C)   Action by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the development plan as provided by § 152.019. The public hearing shall consider all aspects of the development plan including all proposed stages and/or units of development. The Planning Commission may recommend disapproval, approval, or approval with amendments, conditions, or restrictions. The Planning Commission shall prepare and transmit to Council and to the applicant its recommendation and specific findings of fact with respect to the extent to which the development plan complies with the standards set out in § 152.159 and the district for which the change has been requested. Copies of the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission shall be made available to any other interested person.
   (D)   Action by Council.
      (1)   Council shall hold a public hearing on the development plan as provided by § 152.019. If the application is granted, the area of land involved shall be redesignated as a PD-R Residential Planned Development District, PD-O Office Planned Development District, PD-B Business Planned Development District, or PD-I Industrial Planned Development District by ordinance. The ordinance shall include conditions and/or restrictions to the plan that may be imposed by Council.
      (2)   This approval does not, however, constitute authority for the applicant to proceed with actual physical development of the property. Authority for the applicant to proceed and for the issuance of required zoning certificates shall be dependent on approval of the subdivision plan as set forth in § 152.160 when applicable.
('80 Code, § 152.158) (Ord. 94-14, passed 7-5-94) Penalty, see § 152.999