(A)   Generally. Amendments or supplements to this zoning code shall be effected as provided by R.C. §§ 713.06 et seq.
   (B)   Procedure for change. Applications for amendments to this zoning code shall be filed in accordance with the filing procedures adopted by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Written application. Two copies of a provided application form shall be filed with the Planning Commission at its public office:
      (1)   Description of change. The application shall include the following statements:
         (a)   A description or statement of the present and proposed provisions of this zoning code or the proposed change of the district boundaries of the zoning district map;
         (b)   A description sufficient to identify the property, including a reference to the volume and page of the last recorded deed;
         (c)   The proposed use of the property;
         (d)   A statement of the necessity or desirability of the proposed use to the neighborhood or community;
         (e)   A statement of the relationship of the proposed use to adjacent property and land use.
         (f)   A list of owners of property within 300 feet from the area to be rezoned. This list to be in accordance with the Montgomery County Auditor's current tax list; and
         (g)   Such other information regarding the property, proposed use, or surrounding area as may be pertinent to the application or required for appropriate action by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   Plot plan. The application shall be accompanied by two copies of a plot plan, prepared by a registered engineer, architect, or surveyor of the state of Ohio, drawn to an appropriate scale, clearly showing the following:
         (a)   The boundaries and dimensions of the lot;
         (b)   The approximate size and location of existing and proposed structures on the land to be rezoned if desired by applicant; and
         (c)   The proposed use of all parts of the lot and structures, including access ways, walks, off-street parking and loading spaces, and landscaping if desired by applicant.
('80 Code, § 152.019) (Ord. 94-14, passed 7-5-94)