(A)   Parking is prohibited on the following streets:
   Street      Between   Side      Ord. No.
   Avon Oak   At the southeast corner of   East   92-23
      Avon Oak and South Clayton
      Road, 136 feet east to a point
      located at 506 Avon Oak
   Becker St.   Main St. and rear of   West   616
      United Church of Christ
   Blosser St.   Main St. and terminus   Both   86-10
   Brumbaugh St.      East   2019-07
   Cain St.   Estonia Dr. and point 200   North   678
   feet west
   Cain St.   Estonia Dr. and Church St.   South   678
   Church St.   North corporation line to   Both   86-15
   south corporation line
   except on the east side from
   a point 20 feet south of the
   south curb of Adolpha Ave.
   a distance south of 220 feet
   Drina St.   Brice St. and Allstead St.   North   616
   Farmersville-   Corporation line and U.S.   Both   79-8
   Johnsville Rd.   Route 35
   Glenada Ct.   A point located at the   Both   88-09
   northwest corner of
   Glenada Ct. at U.S. Route
   35, 399 feet along the west
   curb to 37 Glenada Ct.
   Lawson Ave.   Church St. and Hazelhurst   North   616
   Main St.   A point 50 feet west of the   South   86-10
   continuation of the west
   curbline of Blosser St. at
   its intersection with Main
   St., and the continuation
   of the west curbline of
   Blosser St. at its inter-
   section with Main St.
   Main St.   First alley west of Post   North   613, 725
   Office and Gloria Ave.
   Main St.   West corporation line and   North   620, 636
   point 150 feet east of the
   continuation of the center-
   line of Mills Place at its
   intersection with Main St.
   Main St.   Mills Place and the west   South   636
   corporation line
   Main St.   At the northeast corner of   North   95-06
   East Main Street, 60 feet east
   along the north curb to a point
   located at 1 East Main Street
   Main St.   Along the north curb at a point   North   2002-06
   beginning 174 feet east of
   North Church Street and
   ending at a point 191 feet
   east of North Church Street
   Main St.   Along the north curb at a point   North   2002-06
   beginning 373 feet west of
   North Church Street and
   ending at a point 431 feet
   west of North Church Street
   Maple St.   East Main St. and
   Weaver St.   East   81-03
   North   At the northwest corporation   West   88-09
   Clayton Rd.   line, 212 feet south along the
   west curb to the point located
   at the northwest corner of Cedar
   Lane at North Clayton Road
   South   At the northeast corner of Avon   East   90-07
   Clayton Rd.   Oak, 2,151 feet north, along the
   point located at the northeast
   corner of South Clayton Road at
   West Main Street
   South   At the northwest corner of Gregory   West   93-09
   Clayton Rd.   Avenue, 112 feet north along the
   west curb to a point located at 411
   South Clayton Road
   South   At the southwest corner of Gregory   West   92-21
   Clayton Rd.   Avenue, 135 feet south along the
   west curb to a point located at 417
   South Clayton Street
   South   Along the west curb at a point   West   92-22
   Clayton Rd.   located at 401 South Clayton Road,
   1,816 feet north to the point
   located at the southwest corner
   of South Clayton Road at West
   Main Street
   South   At the southwest corner of South   West   95-23
   Clayton Rd.   Clayton Road and West Main Street
   1,680 feet south along the west curb
   to a point located at 301 South
   Clayton Road
   Swanson St.   Main Street north and east 377.7   East &   2001-18
   linear feet to a point located at   West
   83 Swanson Street
   Public park and surrounding area      619
   (B)   Whoever violates any provision of this schedule for which no other fees or penalties are provided in this code shall be fined as follows:
      (1)   Parking violation:   $3
      (2)   Fire lane violation:   $5
('80 Code, Ch. 75, Sch. II) (Am. Ord. 99-25, passed 8-17-99)