(A)   No person shall operate a motor vehicle at a speed greater or less than is reasonable or proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the street or highway, and any other conditions. No person shall drive any motor vehicle in and on any street or highway at a greater speed than will permit this person to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
('80 Code, § 72.47)
   (B)   It is prima-facie lawful, in the absence of a lower limit declared or established pursuant to the Director of Transportation or local authorities, for the operator of a motor vehicle to operate the same at a speed not exceeding the following:
      (1)   (a)   Twenty miles per hour in school zones during school recess and while children are going to or leaving school during the opening or closing hours, and when 20 miles per hour school speed limit signs are erected, except that on controlled- access highways and expressways, if the right-of-way line fence has been erected without pedestrian opening, the speed shall be governed by R.C. § 4511.21(B)(4), and on freeways, if the right-of-way line fence has been erected without pedestrian opening, the speed shall be governed by R.C. § 4511.21(B)(10) and (B)(11). The end of every school zone may be marked by a sign indicating the end of the zone. Nothing in this section or in the Manual and Specifications for a Uniform System of Traffic-Control Devices shall be construed to require school zones to be indicated by signs equipped with flashing or other lights, or giving other special notice of the hours in which the school zone speed limit is in effect.
         (b)   As used in this section, SCHOOL means all of the following:
            1.   Any school chartered under R.C. § 3301.16;
            2.   Any nonchartered school that during the preceding year filed with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce in compliance with O.A.C. § 3301-35-08, a copy of the school's report for the parents of the school's pupils certifying that the school meets state minimum standards for nonchartered, nontax-supported schools and presents evidence of this filing to the jurisdiction from which it is requesting the establishment of a school zone;
            3.   Any special elementary school that in writing requests the County Engineer to create a school zone at the location of the school. Upon receipt of such written request, the County Engineer shall create a school zone at that location by erecting appropriate signs;
            4.   Any preschool education program operated by an educational service center that is located on a street or highway with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour or more, when the educational service center in writing requests that the County Engineer create a school zone at the location of that program. Upon receipt of such a written request, the County Engineer shall create a school zone at that location by erecting the appropriate signs.
         (c)   As used in this section, SCHOOL ZONE means that portion of a street or highway passing a school fronting upon the street or highway that is encompassed by projecting the school property lines to the fronting street or highway, and also includes that portion of a state highway. Upon request from local authorities for streets and highways under their jurisdiction and that portion of a state highway under the jurisdiction of the Director of Transportation or a request from a County Engineer in the case of a school zone for a special elementary school, the Director may extend the traditional school zone boundaries. The distances in divisions (B)(1)(c)1. through (B)(1)(c)3. below shall not exceed 300 feet per approach per direction, and are bounded by whichever of the following distances or combination thereof the Director approves as most appropriate:
            1.   The distance encompassed by projecting the school building lines normal to the fronting highway and extending a distance of 300 feet on each approach direction;
            2.   The distance encompassed by projecting the school property lines intersecting the fronting highway and extending a distance of 300 feet on each approach direction;
            3.   The distance encompassed by the special marking of the pavement for a principal school pupil crosswalk plus a distance of 300 feet on each approach direction of the highway.
         (d)   Nothing in this section shall be construed to invalidate the Director’s initial action on August 9, 1976, establishing all school zones at the traditional school zone boundaries defined by projecting school property lines, except when those boundaries are extended as provided in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (B)(1)(c) of this section.
      (2)   Fifteen m.p.h. on all alleys within the municipal corporation.
      (3)   Twenty-five m.p.h. in all other portions of the municipal corporation, except on through streets and state routes outside business districts and alleys.
      (4)   Thirty-five m.p.h. on all through streets as defined in division (B) of this section and on all state routes within the municipal corporation except in those areas defined as business districts in division (B) of this section.
(R.C. § 4511.21(B)(1)(a) - (d), (2), (3) and (7))
   (C)   The following areas shall be designated as speed zones and shall not conform to the general rules concerning speed limits but shall be exceptions.
      (1)   For purposes of this section BUSINESS DISTRICTS shall mean those areas which are primarily commercial in nature, regardless of their zoning and shall include the following areas:
         (a)   East Main Street, from Church Street east to Bronwood Drive.
         (b)   West Main Street from Church Street west to a point 1,500 feet west of South Clayton Road.
         (c)   South Clayton Road from West Main Street to a point 1,500 feet south of West Main Street.
      (2)   The following areas within the municipality shall be designated as through streets:
         (a)   Johnsville-Farmersville Road from West Main Street to the southern municipal limits.
         (b)   Johnsville-Brookville Road from West Main Street to the northern municipal limits.
         (c)   South Fuls Road from West Main Street to the southern municipal limits, except that area designated as a school zone as defined in division (B)(1) of this section.
         (d)   North Clayton Road from West Main Street to the northern municipal limits.
         (e)   South Clayton Road from a point 1,500 feet south of West Main Street to the southern municipal limits.
   (D)   All school zones shall be marked as such by the use of appropriate signs.
   (E)   Exceptions to the general rules of division (A) of this section, such as those for business districts, shall have the speed limit posted by means of appropriate signs indicating the limits in the excepted areas.
      (1)   These signs shall be posted at the border line of each zone and at other places within the zone as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent of Streets.
      (2)   Signs designating a reduction in speed zones shall be placed at points 150 feet ahead of the actual border line of the zone.
('80 Code, § 72.48) (Ord. 879, passed 7-11-78)