(A) The village maintains a pay grade allocation list for all regular employees which designates the pay range to be paid to a particular position. Each pay range shall consist of the five pay steps: A, B, C, D, E.
(B) The village retains the right to place new employees at any step in the appropriate pay range if warranted by the employee's prior training and/or experience. Employees may advance in pay steps based on experience and/or yearly evaluations with approval of direct supervisor/manager and Municipal Manager.
(C) The village also maintains an employee classification list which identifies the various positions of employment with the village, the basic requirements to fill each position, and the type of work performed in each position.
(D) The pay grade allocation list, as well as the employee classification list, is reviewed annually, concurrent with budget deliberations, and at least every November by the Council and Municipal Manager.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 12-20-05; Am. Ord. 2012-05, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. 2018-01, passed 6-19-18; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-17-19; Am. Ord. 2020-20, passed 12-15-20)