(A)   The village may provide cellular telephones, electronic paging devices, and wireless personal communications devices to employees in order to improve productivity, enhance customer service to our citizens, and/or to enhance public safety services. Those employees eligible for assignment of wireless communication devices are designated by the Village Manager commensurate to their job duties. The village maintains the right to access any and all messages communicated through electronic means when village owned equipment is used.
      (1)   Decisions regarding the use of village cellular telephones, electronic paging devices, and wireless personal communications devices, which are not explicitly stated herein, will be left to the discretion of the Village Manager.
      (2)   Department heads are authorized to administer, provide guidance on, and assure compliance with the features of this policy.
      (3)   Village owned cellular telephones, electronic paging devices, and other wireless personal communications devices are intended for and expected to be used for village business. Personal usage unrelated to work assignments is permitted, as long as the personal use is reasonable, prudent, and minimal. Under no circumstances shall village owned equipment be used to conduct business not related to the village.
   (B)   Cellular devices, used appropriately, provide an opportunity to improve productivity and improve the excellent level of customer service that the village delivers. This is a guide for employees who by the nature of their work, routinely use mobile communication devices in the performance of their jobs.
   (C)   The Village Manager or department head shall have the right to revoke an employee’s cellular telephones, electronic paging devices, and other wireless personal communications devices provided to the employee by the village for any reason up to and including if any inappropriate usage is determined. Any inappropriate usage may be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 12-20-05; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-17-19)